if the "trick" consists of buying every xp boosts and buffs from l2store then kill a few mobs, just lol
Cmec gonna start on fresh server with live stream to show people how make 1-85 in less than hour. /Confirmed
Damn i dont know to w8 few hour then some1 make 85 till get mentor be me for paliaka eq.. btw how will look situation will pa i can got after few minutes shadow weaoon with ofc big luck or they change something in new server ?
paulina equip u get without mentor too.. just cant get that imortal set about shadow wep pa agathion need to be sumoned 10mins to give egg and its not big % to get shadow wep, and even smaller % to get wep that u need /unconfirming im not going to new server
took me like 2-3 days to hit 85 playing say 2-4h a day I dont understand why ppl even bother with developing a "tactic" to get 1-85 in 1h... Back when I first quited L2 on NA server 2014 took you god damn longer to get to 85... Not to mention I also was one of the first ISS on Freya to Awaken when GoD was launched... now dont get me started how many weeks it took to get to 85 ^^ and not casual at all back then Lvling nowdays to 85 is a joke
Pointless? Its about the lore... knowing your suroundings , especially if you are a newbie to L2 Its a few hours getting to know the game Waste of time if it's your X character