1. How players plays class which is from other race (for example kameal playing dreadnought class which is for humans)? 2. 1st/2nd/3rd+ profession and also sub/nobles... How they actually work? What changed from old lineage 2? 3. Gearing/leveling up. Is it grinding monsters? Story line quests? Daily quest? More information would be nice. 4. Should I know anything specifically before jumping somewhere? like buy item X asap, get quest x done or avoid buying something... Stuff like this in other words.
1 - It is called using Chaos essence and you can only change to same archetype of class, like in example if you are a warrior most known as Tyrr Warrior after 4th class you can only change to another Tyrr warrior using chaos essence (Tyrr warriors = Duelist, Dreadnough, Titan, Khavatari, Maestro, Doombringers, Eviscerators), in this case you couldn't switch from any class to Maestro because it's an special class (same with OL, like old times you couldn't subclass them) and Eviscerator because you cannot switch to Ertheia race class (On ertheia you cannot also use chaos essences) 2- The quests are wayyyyyyyyyy more easier now, most likely it's just to speak to 2-3 NPC's, kill few mobs inside instances or open world and speak with another npc. Sub / noblesse quests are a bit more time than profession quests but it's also matter of 5-10 minutes and pretty easy 3- You have everything, to level up to 85 the best you can do is follow the quest line named Kekropus after you make level 40 in your master NPC from your class (if you're human, human master NPC and so on) and those start on gludio, every couple of level you get requests to move to higher level areas (40-45 alligator, 46-51 outlaw forest, 52-57 sea of spores, 58-60 forsaken plains, 61-64 fields of massacre and so on) you can also level making bosses in open areas, but killing mobs below level 85 gives close to 0 xp nowadays. After 85 level (4th class) you can level making dailies, some quests and also killing mobs in open areas, best is to start from instances if you have low level/gear and because those are dailies then when you finish them you just move to killing mobs in open areas. About gearing up it's mostly either drop from instances or farming adenas in multiple ways (just navigate forum a bit, but most common ones are zaken/freya or oly for giant energies), you can play the market as always (buy cheap, sell expensive) or selling services (powerlevel, duo instances etc, but for this you will need good items) 4- Depends on what server you going to play, but for sure don't buy any gear below level 85 as those are given as part of quests (armor/shots/bracelet/jewels as part of paulinas gear when you reach certain level) you get also xp runes up to 85, get yourself a mentor to get extra 50% xp bonus and keep making your way to 85, then on 85 when you reach 4th class change you get paulina twilight gear (can use it from 85+) for 30 days, during that time try to make money to gear up your char with non-limited time stuff and should be fine, just be aware that in new server you have items from l2store boosting xp rates and statistics (brooches), you might want to take a look at them here: https://4gameforum.com/forums/387/
Spoiler: MrOurk response So you can still level up let say Kameal Doombringer, and later take Tyrr Dreadnought? Also I want to ask is spoiler any good on this chronicle? I kinda enjoyed to play it on H5 when spoilers got boosted with dager abilities. How are they on Helios chronicle? Worth playing?
Until 1st of May you cannot do what you say because they disabled chaos essence purchases from l2store, but after that yes, you could raise a doombringer and change it into DN Spoiler is basically pve-only dagger, they can do lots of damage because they got a passive increasing the dmg to npc's , but in pvp they lack a lot of dmg since they don't even have critical wound (they will in next chronicle but still missing selfbuff like other daggers to boost their crit dmg by 50-70%), and spoil is really bad nowadays (both craft and spoil are dead systems almost) since you can't spoil anything worth of value at all unless you're full runes in top areas like GoS / Atelia, and even like that you can't farm anything worth at all, personally I wouldn't recommend you playing it, if you like daggers I would rather go for GH
so basically Helios AOE/Instance farming > everything else? Then how about tanks? Used to play a lot of TK. Are they any good or just shadow of HK/SK like in H5 chronicle?
Yes after 85 you will most likely do kartia instances until you are 97 and after kartia you can go to the xp level area of your level (85-89 soa or fairies, 90-94 s3, or stay in fairies, 95-97 seal of shilen,etc . You can easily find them in the map info. After 97 I recomend you making baylor as it shouldn't be so hard if you have the proper setup to kill it, might be a bit hard at start because in new server everyone will lack a lot of gear. Another option after 85 might be trying to kill as many raid bosses in open areas as possible, you will just need clan to give you a hand with that as you will need several pt's for that Tanks are totally a must in any group, be it pvp or pve if you want to do it decently. Since I play in Core, after 85 never missed a tank in pt unless I wanted to do some instance solo mode if I had the gear to do it. Some top pt's might even get 2 tanks instead of only 1. For pvp best tanks are PK/ET because of their 101 aura being extremely defensive, if you want something more aggresive go for SK if you can get soul tezza necklace and maybe a paralyze earring from CoC (this one pretty easy to get) and you will land a lot of paras. HK are mostly pve masters with their 101 auras as in pvp with x2 healers they have a lot of time inmune to debuffs, so their aura can barely land in anyone