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Next 2 updates findings, looking for feedback

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Bboy Wizard, Mar 27, 2017.

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  1. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    I weighed up the new buffs from salvation update (4 melodies, sonata's and lvl 2 Harmonies) vs the current ones and the new ability system from grand crusade and did a conclusion, looking for feedback on basically how concrete this is ty.

    /// CONCLUSION of the 2 next updates

    > Grand Crusade = Wiz/Othell get rework but won't be as impactful as archers until Salvation update (iss rework) but new ability tree favors increase for Wiz+Othell damage,
    Othell buffed more than Archer thanks to Rear damage +5% and damage to non moving target+10%. +40 attribute damage but -50 attribute defense (only Knights
    Tree gets Attribute defense) but Feoh rework with new stances gain +100 attribute defense in certain elements and Arcane Barrier now a toggle so Feoh's suffer less in a regard.

    > Salvation = ISS rework buffs ISS damage and defense in general (*with new abilities) and reworked buffs are affecting pvp like this:
    -21% m.def to any class not in Knight's Harmony (Wiz Harmony lost mdef) (Knight's harmony mdef+30% lost all damage aspects apart from critical chance, now includes m.critical chance) or any class who didn't go down Knights ability tree.
    Feoh's Damage from crit's and non crits will easily be top dps and Knights Harmony is the only defense, p.critical damage buffed +60% (this number is from changes to melodies/sonata's + warrior's harmony) will impact Othells a lot but will
    obviously buff archer's too, Knight's Harmony not providing any p.atk or crit damage is a nerf to Othell defense as they will be forced to use the new Warrior's Harmony (85% critical damage).

    *New ISS abilities

    All ISS - Angel Ressurrection now 100% exp, Divine Cancel now AoE from target, mass shadow blade/crippling strike removed, Chaos Symphony changed to reduce p/mdef by 20% and critical chance 80%, at lvl 101 can throw out all Melodies/Sonata's in 2 casts.

    > Heirophant - Double Stack POM or cast 2 single, toggle to increase damage and auto attack range, toggle to increase range and damage of 2 single target debuffs.

    > Sword Muse - Dash Stun replaced with Dash that slows (-140) that also buffs self and allies with speed and has another dash that slows with back dash, also has an extra
    "Chaos Symphony" move that basically debuffs target and surroundings strength (including 10% increased skill CD). Party MP Heal ability.

    > BladeDancer - has 2 extra "Chaos Symphonies", one single target and other AoE, debuffs targets immensly and able to do further additional affects, Bladedancer is the
    only ISS to debuff AoE constantly.

    > DoomCryer - Soul Cry is stronger and is now a passive proc'd by Power Strike, Power Strike is now unique to doomcryer and has added effect of refreshing sonata duration,
    Able to buff self and party members with Earth Harmony which combines warrior and wizard's harmony, toggle to increase range and damage of 2 single target debuffs.

    > Dominator - Improved unique passive (10% pvp damage/defense/mp/cp), Can place a flag that automatically buffs allies with melodies, toggle to increase range and damage
    of 2 single target debuffs.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    GecKos and Tallarin like this.
  2. ViaAgnis

    ViaAgnis User

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    All of the iss will need to use a togle skill to make the debuffs from single to AoE, swm need to get a triger that they receive by getting damage to cast the new debuffs, bd will need a triger that they get by attacking that will also be needed in order to cast new debuffs. With lvl 3 trigger swordmuse will be able to recover party members mp, lvl 2 wizard harmony gives 100 elemental attribute and is swm exclusive, lvl 2 knight is hierophant exclusive, lvl 2 warrior harmony spectral dancer exclusive, doomcryers with lvl 2 warior harmony that is a combination of lvl 1 warior and lvl 1 wizard harmony, both dominators and doomcryers have the improved sonata's that will last only half the time of normal ones. All the iss classes will lose suspension and only dominators will have a single target suspension that lasts for 5 or 10sec.

    And there is absolutely no reason to even talk about it seeing as we wont see this update till late summer/ mid autumn if even at that, and a lot of it might change depending on the mood of the devs.
    Bboy Wizard likes this.
  3. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    End game gear mage will be better than archer.
  4. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    togle will be only on wc and prp(not sure about ol) and others dont have perma mass debuffs (like u said sws/bd will need trigers to cast debuff)
    Mar 27, 2017
    would kinda disagree, cause boxed wc harmony (reuse +patk) gona be better than lv2 wiz, and there is no nerfs on archer skils (+from new ap system from gc archers get not bad boost (now its either skill crit rate/dmg or patk build, after update its all in 1 tree)
  5. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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  6. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    Thanks for info.

    There is reason to talk about a brighter future come on :p
  7. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Cmec on the iss part you're right, on the archer vs mage I guess you're partly right but not completly.

    I think mages going to be very good in next update if you can land debuff, which is going to be the key, but the moment you're caught off purges with so many people playing without pearls and lilith or 7s talisman, people are going to start getting problems. Finka said himself that mages DPS raised about 50-60% and he's playing with wrong builds most likely from what I've seen, he was playing Necro which is lowest dmg feoh imo and then he plays STS with dark stance which also doesn't makes sense (I guess he did it so he can use same attribute both on main and dual)

    The thing that many people doesn't seem to realize is that harmonies update and generally iss rework will come at around christmas update, and from what I've been researching and testing, the meta in that update will be most likely healers to play with knight harmony level 2 since it will give both pdef + mdef, meaning they will lose cooldown reduction from wizard, making the party more vulnerable to debuffs, which I think it's intended from developers and they switched mdef from wizard to knight to make debuff reliant classes such as mages / summoners / tyrrs playable again. I'm actually glad to see I was the first one making his dd's going back to mages and now even Rio preparing a mage :D

    On the subject level 2 wizard vs WC harmony I would need proper testing but I guess level 2 wizard harmony is not bad at all, the difference will be pattack from combined harmony vs +100 elemental attack increase, which I guess element is going to be better on not full stacked archer but on full stacked one combined harmony will be better
  8. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    u comparing finka with others?.. thats same as comparing lindvior 3stage with rest of the server.. its almost same when 21century was snowballing rg or th 2aoe cc dead, yes finka has not perfect build, but his gear lets him use that non perfect build, finka was very strong before update now he's stronger, but that doesnt mean that all stacked mages(which we have idk maybe 5 on server) gona be same as finka
    as u said most of the ppl dont run with pearl or 7s/anakim, but.. once mages will start overpowering archers builds gona change, they will take off tanza/garnets and put in pearls and again mages will not be so stronk
  9. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    Actually, his build is perfect. And I was talking about end game items. Don't need to be same as Finka, just that if they are stacked as, it will be as good as.
  10. Bboy Wizard

    Bboy Wizard User

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    Can't edit my posts (confused!).

    /// CONCLUSION of the 2 next updates

    > Grand Crusade = Wiz/Othell get rework but won't be as impactful as archers until Salvation update (iss rework) but new ability tree favors increase for Wiz+Othell damage,
    Othell buffed more than Archer thanks to Rear damage +5% and damage to non moving target+10%. +40 attribute damage but -50 attribute defense (only Knights
    Tree gets Attribute defense) but Feoh rework with new stances gain +100 attribute defense in certain elements and Arcane Barrier now a toggle so Feoh's suffer less in a regard.

    > Salvation = ISS rework buffs ISS damage and defense in general (*with new abilities) and reworked buffs are affecting pvp like this:
    everyone is taking a -21% m.def and only Knight's Harmony has mdef (Wiz Harmony lost mdef) (Knight's harmony mdef+15%(+30% heirophant)lost all damage aspects
    apart from critical chance, now includes m.critical chance).
    Feoh's Damage from crit's and non crits will easily be top dps and Knights Harmony is the only defense,
    p.critical damage buffed +45%(60% from Spectral Dancer)(this number is from changes to melodies/sonata's + warrior's harmony) will impact Othells a lot but will
    obviously buff archer's too, Knight's Harmony not providing any p.atk or crit damage is a nerf to Othell defense as they will be forced to use the
    new Warrior's Harmony (70% critical damage)(85% spectral dancer). Also minor buffs with appropiate harmony > p.atk+8%, m.atk+4%, atk spd+11% .

    Olympiad ISS note - ISS are stronger but ultimate suspension removed so no more -200% cd debuff!
    Max Damage note - If stacked POM is exactly x2 and u are given warrior harmony lvl 2 by SD then critical damage increase vs current patch is +85%! (pve 75%).

    *New ISS abilities
    All ISS - Angel Ressurrection now 100% exp, Divine Cancel now AoE from target, power strike and ultimate suspension and mass shadow blade/crippling strike removed (power
    strike doomcryer exclusive, suspension dominator exclusive), Chaos Symphony changed to reduce p/mdef by 20% and critical chance 80%, at lvl 101 can throw out all
    Melodies/Sonata's in 2 casts.
    > Heirophant (POMx2 on 1 target crazy! + best harmony for healer/tyrr pvp) - Double Stack POM or cast 2 single, toggle to increase damage and auto attack range, toggle to
    make single target debuffs AoE. Lvl 2 Knight's Harmony (15% more mdef, 20% more shield defense rate, probability of recieving magic crit -25%)
    > Sword Muse (Feoh's ISS, new debuffs and swiftness cement SM as best protective ISS) - Dash Stun replaced with Dash that slows (-140) that also buffs self and
    allies with speed and has another dash that slows with back dash, also has an extra "Chaos Symphony" move that basically debuffs target and surroundings strength
    (including 10% increased skill CD). Party MP Heal ability. Need to achieve lvl 1-3 stance to perform last 2 moves. Lvl 2 Wizard's Harmony (5% more m.atk).
    > Spectral Dancer (strongest harmony for physical damage dealer pve/pvp, strongest debuffs) - has 2 extra "Chaos Symphonies", one single target and other AoE, debuffs targets
    immensly (damage/mdef/pdef -50%). Need to achieve lvl 1-3 stance to perform these moves. Lvl 2 Warrior's Harmony (15% more crit damage, 3% more p.atk)
    > DoomCryer (Best all round ISS, argueably best harmony for physical dd's in pvp) - Soul Cry is stronger and is now a passive proc'd by Power Strike, Power Strike is now
    unique to doomcryer and has added effect of refreshing sonata duration, Able to buff self and party members with Earth Harmony which combines warrior and wizard's harmony
    (lvl 1), toggle to make single target debuffs AoE, improved Sonata's (half duration)(vs regular sonata's >>> combat drum = 5% more p.atk, 3% more m.atk , Moving Drum = 15%
    more attack spd, 5% more casting speed Relaxing Drum = 50% more mp recovery and 2% less mp consumption)
    > Dominator (organised pvp = God Tier) - Improved unique passive (10% pvp damage/defense/mp/cp), Can place a flag that automatically buffs allies with melodies (additionally
    allies cannot be pulled away from flag), toggle to make single target debuffs AoE,Single Target Ultimate Suspension (duration only 10 secs), improved Sonata's (half duration)(*see doomcryer).

    Thanks again to ViaAgnis for clearer picture :p
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
  11. Hax

    Hax User

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    if u take finka as example, you should watch his archer starco too who infact hits same and more
  12. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    He hits more for 2 reasons, he doesn't rly on debuffs to make proper damage and he got +24 pvp bow which believe it or not, it helps :D
  13. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    and retri is lower than 20? :)
  14. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    It's +16.
  15. Hax

    Hax User

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    and finka does when exactly dmg? on brooch and stuff.
    I dont deny mage being strong, i have mage in my party but archer still remains superior i think
  16. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Yeah same, archers gonna have upper hand in next one still
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