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Came back to L2 after 7 years to find the game completely unplayable

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by HaarmenSheltar, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. HaarmenSheltar

    HaarmenSheltar User

    Likes Received:
    And I mean unplayable technically - wise.

    I am long time Lineage player I basically play this game since C1/C2, 7 years ago I also moved to the Innova servers once GoD expansion launched then I took a long break.

    I had no issues playing the game back then in 2012, even on my crappy laptop (i3/GeForce 720m), didnt experience lags as well.

    Now, with Ramona launch I decided to come back and what I see?

    My current specs (intel core i5-4210 1.70 GHZ, GeForce 820M, 4 GB RAM) runs the game at even worse performance than my previous PC back in 2012, unusual freezes and glitches happen (FPS seems fine most of the time), but the worst thing is when it comes to the server connection...

    Oh boy... Here is my current internet connection : http://www.speedtest.pl/test/146004102

    It always allowed me to play all online games without much problems, even the ones that can put quite a stress like EVE Online with battles up to 6000 players at once.

    But on L2 EU servers I get like 1000-1500 ping during day, which goes down to maybe 500 at the evening, and bearable 100-200 early in the morning when there is least players online. Also I can get lag spikes and freezes up to few minutes every now and then. The problem persists both on Core and Ramona.

    Such performance is a joke, and I would like to know if there exists maybe some fix to this issue, as I am 100% sure this is not my connection/provider fault, as Lineage 2 is the only game that is giving me any trouble.

    (Also, it seems peformance issues are chronicle-tied as I can run L2 smoothly on any other pre-GOD private server both fps, and connection wise)
  2. Zanee

    Zanee User

    Likes Received:
    intel core i5-4210 1.70 GHZ
    GeForce 820M

    new updated ver. of tibia requires i3:D so ur pc would not handle it:D.
  3. HaarmenSheltar

    HaarmenSheltar User

    Likes Received:
    I don't know if you can read properly or not, but I specifically mentioned that I'm totally fine with game's FPS as for 15 year old game which it is, it should and DOES run decently on a mobile device, also my specs are more than enough to handle games that put much more stress on graphic card/CPU (like mentioned EVE Online), I also find it amusing that game's performance has dropped so significantly since 2012 while it still looks basically the same.

    So please, don't make excuses for a ****ty optimization.

    Also, how does my CPU adress connection issues that are completely EXCLUSIVE to Lineage2 EU servers?
  4. Shinyu

    Shinyu User

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    How much did NCwest pay you to post this?
  5. VaBybi

    VaBybi User

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    GeForce 820M so its laptop. dont compare pc with laptop. and with that cpu you can only start cooking not playing l2, afcours your laptop have some ****y hard driver , and you dont know what even ssd is. so stop cry and buy atleast decent laptop and throw your old garbage away.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
  6. Zanee

    Zanee User

    Likes Received:
    5400 rpm drive

    l2_> unreal engine 2.5 -> reads textures from pc
    GL & HF always been like this, with 7200 hdd Caviar TOP HDD, tps took 3-5sec

    ->>> SSD

    + ur cpu is a mobile cpu not "H version" -> normal ver.
    + ur gpu is worse than integrated intel gpu (+graphics since h5 were enchanted QQ)

    whats the point talking about OPTIM in a game from 2003 (+ l2 always required a good pc, even on interlude).

    Normal Intel Duo Core 10yrs old CPU is better than yours ... so n/c
    as for graphics (above).
  7. garrett53

    garrett53 User

    Likes Received:
    4x3,7 core, gtx 970, ssd - around 10 fps in Aden, imagine sieges in this engine. This game is unplayable. Without editing l2.ini (what is not possible here) we will never get optimum performance from l2. There are some RAM methods to boost l2 performance, but every new game runs on my PC on Very High/Ultra, so... GL.
    Sorry Heniek.
  8. HaarmenSheltar

    HaarmenSheltar User

    Likes Received:
    Well smartasss, except Lineage 2 hardware-wise runs just fine. Even on this "old garbage" I get steady 50 fps on medium-low settings, the only noticable performance drops I get are the ones in really crowded areas but that is something I expect.

    (that being said, it's still worse than it was in 2012 in the same chronicle, which is not a good sign when it comes to optimization quality of a game, but it's not my main point)

    My main complaint is not the mediocre performance that might be the result of playing on a laptop, it's the ******** PING and lag spikes which do not occur to me in any other game, so don't play fool with me when L2 EU servers and their routing is obviously thrash if you can't get playable experience with 10mb/s connection.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2017
  9. St0ne

    St0ne User

    Likes Received:
    Complain to NCsoft to bring new game engine.
    L2 still uses just one core.
    U can try to improve it a bit by better gr.card,stronger cpu or ssd,but still u cant beat old mechanics.
    From my experience l2 runs quite good at sieges.
  10. HaarmenSheltar

    HaarmenSheltar User

    Likes Received:
    It doesn't take genious to read that the main complaint is ridiculous PING and lag spikes, not the client performance?
  11. Finality

    Finality User

    Likes Received:
    I'm not having any particular lag or lag spikes. Playing from Slovenia on laptop with i7 4510U, 840M, 8GB + SSD with ~100/20 connection. Sure FPS in HEAVY populated areas are nonexistent, but I played healer for 2 days now in Kartia without much of a problem, except ppl insta dropping from Earthquake ;P
  12. FryderykChopin

    FryderykChopin User

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    If the FPS es no good, maybe you could try upgrading your graphics card? There's plenty to choose from, take a look here :)
  13. MrOurk

    MrOurk User

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    Ok let's break this down a little bit:

    First of all, if you're waiting for some proper answer, I would suggest you to ask any moderator to move this to technical issues area to receive proper assitance there, but I will try to help as much as I can.

    This game for some reason (probably for being using an old engine) is more Nvidia+Intel friendly than AMD friendly, comparing more or less same specifications from both AMD vs Intel+Nvidia, gives better result from last ones for both CPU and graphic card, but still is more than playable with AMD (I play myself with AMD and everything is fine). I don't understand why some people here are suggesting to improve graphic card, since this game uses graphic card the less and I think OP's one is fine enough (I don't like laptops to play for the simple reason it's easier to get bottlenecks there due to speed from integrated graphic card + RAM speed but should be ok in your case). What this game uses the most are all the other parts (HDD, RAM, Internet connection and CPU)

    HDD: It's not much important here what speed your HDD uses, you should be fine with both 5k and 7k, but I would suggest you using an SSD (there are cheap ones and fine enough), usually laptops don't use one and the improvement you will notice it's HUGE, probably the best cost-efficient upgrade you can get. You will be able to keep proper FPS's most likely with your current build. Decent enough SSD should be 50-100 euros depending on SSD itself

    CPU: I can't understand why people keep saying what they read w/o even testing it. L2 USED TO USE only 1 core per CPU, at some point (I guess after Gracia if I'm not wrong), the amount of cores game was using increased from 1 to 2, so increasing number of cores won't increase your performance at all, but the speed of each of those cores matters A LOT, and your cores are really slow ones (1.7 GHz, should be fine for l2, you might have problems running last released games using high/top graphics)

    RAM: For gaming I would never recommend playing with less than 8 GB RAM, with 4 you have a lot of bottle necks (depending on windows version, the windows itself can consume around 1.5 GB of that RAM, leaving you 2.5 GB for the rest of applications and windows processes and you need to count here coms programs / l2 windows open / explorers open and anything you have running in the background), that's why I never suggest anything less than 8 GB's. Increasing from 4 to 8 should be really cheap (cost should be 30-50 euros for 4 GB's depending on speed / configs)

    Internet speed: Probably the part you're struggling most from what I read in your post. I used to have really **** connection when I started playing here (like 10 mbps / 0.1 mbps) and whenever there was an area with most of 50 players around amount of FPS were reducing to almost 0, not to say umplayable sieges at all almost. Whenever I upgraded it I started to feel like connection is fine 98% of times except when server is running problems in their back end (packet loss near their datacenter for various reasons). I guess your connection in 2017 should be fine enough but those pings aren't normal at all, I would suggest you downloading WinMTR app and check your connection to the servers (geo.l2.eu), after it's done just open a post in technical section and post there your logs from the test and explain the problem you have. With the description and logs, they should be able to help you ASAP to fix the problems
  14. HaarmenSheltar

    HaarmenSheltar User

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    So, I installed mudfish, and it helped. Found proper route for my location and now I enjoy 80 ping.

    Wonder what all smartassses blaming the problem on my side have to say now.

    Btw, it's ****in outrageous one has to pay for 3rd party software to get a playable experience, just because connection and routing of Innova serwers in certain locations is a complete screwup. This is ******** you'd expect from the early days of MMOs back in the 90s, not from one of the top titles in the genre in 2017.
  15. iFilda

    iFilda User

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    It is a little late to answer, but if you check topics in technical discussion there are numerous threads explaining this. Even one with clear instructions what information you need to post and how to obtain them. It will most likely be a problem with route between you and server, somewhere on the way you drop packets and as a consequence you have lag spikes. Moderators provides exact confirmation of the place where you lose packets and you need to speak to your provider about your options.