this is getting insane 60% of server even more is above 95! and kartia instaces are reduces x4 times ... can you fix this .. since server opened today its impoposible to enter!
They give compensation buffs for the maintainance, but they forget to get Kartia ok, i've never seen anything like this.
this kartia is non-sence , working all day come back after work 5pm and standing 2 - 3 h without succes near npc . lol.
I think a lot of ppl made 2-4 boxes that are lv 85 (for buffs, for fun, for sos, for w/e reason), but the thing is that even if only 20-30% of the server is 95+, it's on their main toons that we're all trying to do k95 (most of the times using pass to enter 2 times), while on boxes if we go once per day is alerady a lot..
Oki about my last post saying that I managed to enter in just few mins gues I was just rly lucky last few days, since I spent more than an hour clicking last night b4 my healer went to bed and I gave up myself
As of now, we've requested changes to Kartias for the next maintenance as it was planned. Atm we're waiting for the files from the devs and I'll make an official announcement when we get them. We'll have to deal with Kartia limits until the majority of active players are 95+ as it's a super popular place to exp. Balancing these limits is just an attempt to make it more or less equally frustrating for everybody, but as so many people are exping now and try to optimize their time by going duo and trio, we'll deal with these problems until it's not the main exping location anymore.
idk who come whit birliant idea to reduce k95 at first place .. this would be fix if there was addinonal instances whitout cutting EXISTING R95 :d
The best solution will be to request min 7 or 6 ppl to enter, and andjust exp for like ~5 ppl atm. More ppl will enter, more ppl will be done with kartia instance faster.