First of all, don't start with the *you should farm with the party more* bs! Fact is that if you are a normal player who don't donate or buy adena from RMT you cannot get gear, and I mean a decent set, yea you have the free twilight, but only for 1 month, what you will do after that except get stuck with immortal set at lvl 95 that you can get with diplomas?, you grow too fast in lvl related to the drop or adena income you can get. Prices are huge, for example I'm a close to lvl 90 feoh, and I was starting to look around for a twilight set + apoc wep, and it cost me around way over 1 billion ... O K A Y, considering the fact that only income source is swapland 400/400 you get like 4 million + some tere or kartia drops if you are lucky. I don't want to start about the BSSR prices, really ? I'm the only one who think this is crazy ? And yes, I did played on Naia and Magmeld when they introduced GOD so I know how a decent prices should look like...
If after one month you are just lvl 95, i'm sure that you're not farming properly in order to get gear.
4kk in swamp every day = 120/month * 7chars in account = 840.. problem?..+add some chances at kartia and tere and etc u can get way more than 1b+ in any server at any rates always ppl were runing with extra boxes to make less xp<>more money besides that who doesnt let u make 100005000 zaken/freya boxes and farm adena there?
Not only that ,with so many chars he can farm lots of kartias, meaning lots of EWR/EAR and crafting recipes / materials and elcyums
farming in yours opinion mean no life! 1/3 of the day normal people sleeps,1/3 working and other 8 hours for the other activities,like shopping,keep your home tidy, cooking,and have some time for the game isn't it ?other way you addicted and game is your whole life,this is the way what Innova wants?
Yes, and doing 400/400 in swampland for each of the 7 chars will take you how much time/day same for zaken/freya? #doyouevanreallife I have played in the past, and it wasn't like this....
I was on Core like 2y ago... and at around 92 I was able to buy/+4/atr/dual SA tw/apo quite easy w/o 3543251515 boxes
and where u played before? take any chronicle into count and lets discuss: interlude to make a grade set how long u were farming toi+mats+etc? interlude to make s grade set was even longer and had to get rb's to make ally 4-5 to make a grade wep how much u were spoiling/farming mats and key mats? oh and recipe 1/700 spoil and some key mats weren't even on spoil list(only drop/rb) kamael and above versions: how long u were farming s80 set? or even s84?.. same with weps.. and here? u go kartia u get rcp's for evey gear untill r95 also u get 1 key mat.. but apo/tw mats can be farmed easily in fairy/s2 which leaves u only some mats in numbers of 1-20 to craft them.. when before u were farming way way longer to get them we can even compare classic: classic xp is 0.3-0.5(depends on version since they had increases in xp comparing to start version) and drop is x1 (which is 2-3x the ammount of xp) and there u need to have box where u make adena/spoils and etc (which takes again more time to make it) to have gear rdy for your lvl up if not then u run with lower gear for way longer.. its better for them to whine that there is no drop and etc than actually do smth Apr 7, 2017 u played on server 2 years ago when there was different update and when server was already open for 2+ years.. comparing to new server u think is a good idea?
But nothin will change a fact its a massive time consuming. So its either u farm adena for gear,or u exp in terms of daily timeplay around 4-5h. Cant have both same time.
I was on Naia and Magmeld exactly in the day the launched GOD!! I posted about it above, but you only read half of my statements...
Finding a pt as cp or as casual players gonna speed up a lot process of farming/exp. Just imagine 7 players with 7 boxes for zaken/freya,then u log do dailies after u done u go solo. In that way i was able to make k95,kama,baylors and x3cc in a matter of 1h. And we were just 3 pple.
Places for a pharma completely all depends on your desire and the amount of free time) if you work or study, then the problem of the lack of adena is solved by the game store by the Lavianza and the like that you can sell to other players. And as always in this game you will never dress the main character without pumping An army of useful twinks
GoD was way different. Bound equipement was dropping everywhere, and high level instances had way better drops than now. Anyway, here are some threads discussing adena farming on Helios: