Hello, I would like to ask experienced part of community about starts in olympiad (mosty tank) What pots/buffs/stew I should use ? What about gear set up at the beginning ? (Talismans set up also) Should I use golden lion or its just a wasze of time and canceling my stun when hitting ? Revelation skills and dual class skills (I think I will use undying will and endurance, was thinking also about prevision/ dual class I got atm p Def m def) What rewards are worth to take for battle marks? 1 day Talismans worth using ? I got around 50 BM What about mysterious marks and olympiad tokens ? How this items are obtainable ? Sorry for long post, appreciate your help
Playing olympiad for fun or to be competitive in order to get hero ? You cannot use pots and stew. About olympiad buff : drum, harp, horn, lute. Knight/wizard, depending of the class that you are facing. I don't know what kind of gear you have and could have. You need to mix damage, survival, debuff land rate/resist. For example, against healer, you would put mental attack jewels and keep silencing it. Against dagger, you would put anti-stun jewels. By the way, get weapon with those trigger buff SA: mental shield, health. Then use those weapon and cast yourself nobless to get the buff on you. It's extra dps. Disparition is an useful skill. Somehow, it doesn't work well because of server delay ... Prevision is an alternative. Endurance: On paper, it looks interesting but after testing it several months, it's not really worthy in final since the reflect can be avoided and the healing is so-so. All talismans to increase your win rate. At least, get the one to remove debuff immunity/celestial/hide. You need to exchange mark of battle to Ceremony of Chaos NPC (for mysterious mark) or Olympiad NPC (for olympiad token). Others players will complete me or give their own opinions.
Only olympiad manager buffs and item skills (like augments) are usable. Consumables are not allowed, so forget pots, stews, etc. 1 day talismans can help you in your oly fights, they worth it. For example Battle Support can remove cele/hide from your opponent. Mysterious marks and olympiad tokens are obtainable from Olympiad manager and Mysterious Butler for battle marks. There are various items you can get for these marks/tokens. People usually take special resistance jewels, pve/pvp belts, giant codexes, top grade resistance potions, etc. Some even take vesper noble stones to use it as a base for some armor appearance. I cannot help you with tank specific questions.
Big thanks for your answer, I see many useful informations here. About your question Im casual Player so I will count for top 1% but probably not hero
As Othell, I don't like when: I see tanker with knight harmony Tanker turns on UD when I'm about to do primary attack which will do most damage with my most important skills (ue/angel) Tanker makes me sweat by constantly chasing/trying to attack me (in other words - making sure I don't relax, because time is on my side) Tanker does NOT use AOE skills when I have reflect skills on I can't stun tanker He sends his pets to attack me (yes, there are tanks which think that pets are useless)
I will check my setup this weekend, it's hard to choose before fight wizard or knight harmony I cant see my oponent before
It is not possible on Ramona. (On Core there are some on the market, but those were crated on older updates.)
There is no way to buy some C Staff ? Or craft B ? If not what is the setup of buffs then ? Any other buffs from weapon than mental and btb ?
if u know by name sure, but on ramona which opened 3weeks ago gonna be hard to memorize all, also this way have some flaws
not all show self buffs until last sec, not all uses harmony "for dmg" (some classes utilize all harmonys (example dagger feels good with all 3harmonys))