I have a problem with this disconect. I was doing Lilith with 2 clans, now, ¿how can we fixt that problem? My people is waitting for drop. I have picks and videos of all if need.
I was with him, in the CC, killing Lilith too, and I also have screenshots that prove we disconnected because of the crash; everyone standing there, not a single attack in progress, and my buffs with 0 time remaining. Hell I can even record it right now to show it, I still have game open.
First of all I demand trolls to leave topic since they are irrelevant here. We planned, gathered ppl and wasted a lot time for it. This is not some private l2 server so that we make our plans just considering "Maintenance announcements". Unexpected DC and downtimes are completely from server side which means this situation has to be made up to us. We do respect that there might be issues and keep waiting until everything goes fine but also we know that you as administration should respect us, our times and effort on that subject. I hope someone bother to respond us. Thank you. MagiciaN
vengetta those 12yo jokes are still in fashion... Guys it's time to fix the server, even if takes hours of downtime. I would be glad that you could extend premium user accounts by 1 day and same applies to runes, because it would be only fair to do so.
After u first hit Lilith, u have 1 hour to kill it, otherwise instance is reseted. Lilith HP will stay/slowly regen after reset. If they didnt fix bug, and u was offline and inside Lilith ( in theory u was during server down ), u will appear inside Lilith room after u log back now. If they fixed it, u will appear in town. U can re enter. U can kill again Commanders, remnants and enter inside. Problem is another CC can enter also, or maybe u wont have enough people. But from history of Core and decision made by GM team, i can tell u most likely they will not give u any drops in this situation. Circumstances made it like it is, and u will need to try kill it again. For sure, Lilith will be alive and possible to kill after server will go up.