What you mean keep silencing it with tank ? I faced some healer with good augu nuke and I was without any chances
this is not interlude for nuke augu.., every healer has some dmg skills, and yes thats what he ment, silencing healer/mage with tank isnt big problem if have mental jewels
If case you didn't know already, "Justice punishment" lands a magic silence for several seconds. So, the healer won't be able to use his own skills or nuke you back. Then, you will just have to keep spamming this skill and attack/use other damage skill. Even if he has a nuke augment (I don't remember if we can get such thing from CoC life stone), you should be able to outdps him. Don't forget you have knight frenzy, party UD, UD and later party rescue to help you reducing received damage. If you cannot land your silence, either there is a level difference either a gear difference.