all week same history no 4game more and more time for 1 normal maintenace and we lost a 200% runes time and , etc etc etc . But np Guys solution is only 1 cat whit a 1 buff from 1h hahahaha . for me the blessing cat no is a good solution and for u? sorry for me bad english. i try me best Post u solution for this time lost all week guys.
Maintenance on April 18 Our weekly maintenance will be held on Tuesday, April 18, from 6:00 to 12:30 CEST. The maintenance is prolonged until 13:30 CEST due to prolonged works at 4game platform. The maintenance is prolonged until 14:30 CEST due to prolonged works at 4game platform. later we win a 1 buff from 1h guys DONT WORRYY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA BY HAPPY!!