Hey guys. I just need a quick info. Im about to hit 99, and people seem to look for DD's with 300 attri in their weapons, hence my question. What's the easiest and fastest way to get attribute cristals? Thanks you for your information in advance <3
Easiest and fastest is to buy them from other players! There is no effective way to farm them. You have a chance to get a random one from the Kartia/Kama quest rewards. And alternatively you can collect energies: https://l2wiki.com/Gathering_Star_Stones_and_Element_Crystals This is not effective at all. You need to collect star stones to get the collection aghation, and the recepies to craft crystals. This is hours of flying around in Gracia. Then you need to collect energies, in for example SoA. You need 20 energies to craft one crystal, not effective at all. Probably there are bots collecting them too. So, you are better off farming anything else, and using your adena to buy crystals.