I meant a release date! XD Apr 22, 2017 I tried to edit the previous post to thank Motanu, but I couldn't find the edit button (some things are in Russian). Thank, you Motanu.
Ok so how it will be with Exalted Quest and 16 Ability Points required to get 1st Exalted level. I mean from 85 to 99 i will get 14 ability points, quest need 16 (but is on 99 lvl). They will change it to 14 ability points? Cuz i read patch notes and nothing about that.
1st part exalted starts at 99. (main or dual doesn't matter) 2nd part need to be 100lvl (can be dual or main. doesn't matter) 3rd part need 100lvl on dual class --- new quests 4th part - need 103 to start 104 finish 5th part - 104 start - 105 finish for 4th and 5th parts it's your main or dual doesn't matter, just need required level to start/finish quests. and for AP on 99 - you get 15 at that lvl. and i'm not sure but i think AP part is removed from 1st part.. just hat, oly fights, shouts and 8k mobs in hb.
WAIT WAIT WAIT. 3rd part of exalted needs a dual class at 100?!? either i'm autistic or l2 wiki lacks some info http://i.imgur.com/q751oLA.png I mean, if you can choose to complete them with either main or sub class, i just figured i'll get my main to 99 and start doing quests. None of the wiki pages for specific quests state that i need to get my dual class to lvl 100 in order to start/finish a specific quest. FeelsBadMan :gun:
So can you just get lvl 100 with your dual while your main is 99 and be able to do those exalted quests?
Hm. in fact you need lvl 99 (main or dual ) to start 1 part of exalted Q after you need lvl 100 (main or dual) to end 2nd part of Q & lvl 100 on (Main & dual ) to end 3rd Part of Q So to finish all 3 part of exalted Q you need hit LVL 100/100 on main & dual.