In some day my Paulina go and what armor reccomended me? Take TW and save money for Eternal in future(far far ) or invest all that i have for Seraph? Weapon i have specter buster +3 clean (dream would be oe at least +5)but i must thing also put soul stone in...more expensive. What un think?
Think logicly, how much you can spend atm and how much woud cost you for example R99. You can get Immortal set from Diplomas for free which is better then Paulina TW/Dynasty, and just a little worse then full TW, and then start buying R99 crafting pack's or full items. Prices are dropping be everyday, but you cannot wait another 2-3month's with low R set. But in your spot I woud better focus on your weapon, making it 2xSA, bcs with Immortal or Eternal you still gonna be paper agains any burst DD. So instead better forcus on your dmg for now, and after that go for R99 set. Actually Specter Buster was bad decision, Apocalypse Retri woud have been better option, it has just a bit lower m.atk, but most important part price to put 2xSA's, on Apo it woud have you costed maximum 72kk, and on Specter woud cost 1,653kkk, so you pay 23x more for middle tier weapon for 10 more m.atk(+350-400) and +-100 p.def from sigil? If that woud be R99 then meybe it coud be considerable, but not on weapon which you woud swich likelly pretty soon, and no 2nd SA will hurt you a lot. So I woud recomend you get Immortal set from Diplomas, fix you weapon switching to 2 SA Apo Retri or at worse 1xSA Specter Buster, and just then start saving/crafting/buying R99 set.
I have immortal set from diploma ok. Now i have specter buster and sell Firenze buy 1 apocalypse retributer....mmmm i must see. Sigil dont give also +5% m.attack?? Put 1 SA on buster how much cost? I want acumen Ty for answer
Soul stone price+129 R-gemstones(maximum 1.2kk per gem), Acumen if I'm not mistaken comes from Mermoden which naturally are cheap, and you can even be okey with 3-4st, not neccery to buy 5/6st stone, because it's not your long term weapon.
U know if i buy 1 weapon whit sa in and i want change i need 129 gem r+gem r for change or only gem for change?