how to manage kill Ballok without fail and spawn minions? !.definitely BESOE from prison when imprisoned in first seconds ,and I think don't use stun,and other skills ,and ofc aoe it is not proofed.
i can't remember when last time i was ported in prison in balok... usually it dies in 15-20 seconds with 1 dd..
When Balok leaves the circle in the middle, if it takes damage from someone skills or reflect it will spawn minions, and when someone outside the circle hits Balok it will get the aggro super fast and Balok will run out, so if people is slow and hit Balok outside main circle it will just spawn mobs
Sorry I didn't say it is on Ramona server where ppl start from begining and get nothing just paulina gear Apr 28, 2017 Balok leaving circle in one reason,only when someone get imprisoned and stay in there
If you have summoner it party, make him attack Balok with summons first. Summons are not getting prisoned!
Rules are simple,but everyone have own opinion,but certen is only if imprisoned asap BSOE and thats all,no proof for aoe,stun,and fight in circle in this moment.
U can aoe,u can stun,u can do whateva u want AS LONG AS BALOK and pt STAYS in circle. If he manage to spawn mobs,kill them asap,or they own u easy with that gear. If possible start hitting with wynn,he focuses on pets. Before u enter it ask pti,if all have bsoe,if not kick or get buy it. Also buff pots helps. Balok is nasty RB,so whole pt need to be focused. GL.
Thats what I do explain,but ppl do not using skills,debuffs ets afraid to make Balok "angry"so time is extending and one after another go to prison and finally one click bsoe too late and fail
Not everyone is that stacked even on core. Im not sure if i can post links from NA, but go and search for balrog.