People need to farm SoA to activate istina , 4game can't do something about it.
we should rly do smth about it. question is, how long would our server need to farm to unlock if lets say all spots in cocra, repti and beasty would be farmed? or is doing the daylie quest enuff? on GOD everybody was farming there so its was like automatically unlocked.
Well it is waste of time while there are areas offering better xp. Also don't forget that SoA is a party area that requires both buffs and heal.
Easier said than done, when core started without SOA there were not many places to farm so ppl did it. Now it's a leftover that noone cares about
I have two questions: 1:Is there any way to keep track of SoA's stages like HellBound back in the day? 2: Did the update messed up ( reseted) the current stage of Soa? Since many quests related to changing content ( quests & areas affected on the update)were reseted (you had to take some of them again on the npc, like Hellbound quests, for exemple)
1. No, 2.Which "current stage" do u mean ? The one when Ramona was an month old and nobody visited SOA and then GC came?
Quick question: Don't you need to kill epic istina in order to progress in your exalted status quest?