My first time whit this feature (dualclass)in lineage 2. When i play 10 ten ago i make sub and finish. Now i read i can have skill from my real? And Dualclass how work?if i have understand i can take it at 99 same main but is Good for?only for have second main? Ty who tell me how work!
You cannot have skills from your sub, but you can have so called "subclass skills". The max level on subclasses is 80. After that you can promote a subclass to dual class with a quest. (If you play Erthia race, then it is a bit different: You don't have subclasses, but after a quest you can chose a dual class, that starts from 85) Yes, dual class is just like a second char. You can get "dual class skillls", and its need to be level 100 for a quest (,_One_Who_Shatters_the_Limit), that's all. Other than that some people just ignores it, others play it like a main.