Hi Can somebody explain me why othell's old blows like Blood Stab , Chain Blow, Heart Breaker dont have progression in power after leveling them up. For example Blood Stab lvl:1 from 85lvl character have exactly same power like Blood Stab lvl:10 from 103lvl character. Where is the sense of lvl up then ???
They have different power, the ingame description is just bugged, here the proof: http://lineage2.power.plaync.com/wiki/블러드+스탭 On l2wiki it will be bugged since they take information from ingame files
Few days ago on la2wiki was correct dicriptions. Innova edit them yesterday, and changed correct discriptions to bugged discriptions. It is the way to resolve the problem of bugged skills in game ???
Seems like it's problem from EU wiki only, you have this on l2central: https://l2central.info/wiki/Кровавый_Шаг_-_Призрачный_Охотник_Одала
How can U see Blood Stab lvl.10 have 60k power. In game on Core Blood stab lvl10 have 38800 power, so its bugged. I writed 2 tickets to support, but Innova Team instead of fix a game edited l2wiki for bugged data.
Its most likely a localization error, which means, its the text describing the skill that is wrong and not the skill itself. Some people were reporting the same about eviscerator steel mind skill, that at lvl1 provides x5 dmg and at lvl 2 only 1x.
Today 2 weeks passed after GC update, and bugs in game still not fixed. Even L2wiki copies bugs. Innova instead of do somethink, counts money after fishing event.
L2Wiki is updated with files from the game client. Don't you think that the wiki is filled manually? This is a known issue, localization team already fixed it. I'm not sure if you know how the localization fixes are applied in the game client, but all text fixes from our localization team are delivered to Korean devs, so they can put all the text fixes into the game files. Each text rewriting is processed that way - in any L2 version: RU/EU/US/JP/TW.