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How i learnt to stop worrying and i started to love instances...

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Zairakh, Jun 26, 2012.

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  1. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    now,given that i left l2 due to me being highly uncompatible with the new kind of l2 mechanics,i may have found where the gamebreaking issue is,thanks to my sparring partner gilby who enlightened me to complete my thoughts:

    thats it,the new generation of mmo players,wants everything right away and dont want any complication in gettin it.
    so yea,lets flood the market with tezza's necklace and worthless armor junk that everyone can farm.
    and freya,oh freya.....nice update,not.

    element is too hard to make?!?
    dont worry,i give u a dozen of quests where you can make it your weapon 300 without bother to play the market (too hard to read all those damn numbers...) or move your *** to the pure pvp zone named seed of destruction.

    want a new shiny armor?!
    oh yeah,i give you that,of course by questing,cause you are supposed to play casualy and dont bother with hard things such as crafting.
    heck i remember farming hellbound (included the caravan quest ffs!!!) to get recipes and parts for my freaking weapon and failing alot of crafts,after a month of working with clan and party manage to complete dynasty sets and weapons,gg...nah,too hard,lets remove this,get everything by quest is more funneh....and you dont risk to meet enemy groups on your way....

    want epics?
    oh,but evil enemies from more organised clans camp and spawn kill them,lets instance every new r grade epic and make the game like a big dumb diceroll where you dont get awarded for the time and the effort,but for being a lucky a$$ / a scammer that manages to steal the drops faster than everyone in a random made group of common itemwhores....

    what for you need clans,now? sieges,oh,its unfair,theres not enough castols for everyone,how sad,this has to be fixed in future,compete for something is indeed bad and unhealthy for the poor casual people that wants to play l2 and have real life...

    /end rant.

    to avoid misunderstandings the title is sarcastic and is taken from a known movie.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2012
  2. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    thats one big wall of text :d
  3. Dudnex

    Dudnex User

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    hmmm, and by that you mean what?
  4. Blindmen

    Blindmen User

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    zairakh is saying truth , lineage was made into instance based game , now u can get everything u want in there . pvp went to **** when i saw hero wizard with that 89 lvl iss buff killing 50 players in 2 aoes in castle siege :d ( that was epic :d ). all new bosses are instance based , u gather 1-2 pt's to kill them and thats it , only pvp is in sieges , because if u want to pvp in farm zones u need to pk them before they pr. gear? go nursery get all gear u want or kill the ugly worm without a tank using 2 healers and summoner.

    farming? get 1 guy from cp to have full vita all the time u get 5 times more drops :). game went to boring mode (quited game after we taked 4th castle in aria) , now what we should do with l2 its boring , wow to easy , aion to easy . need to wait for archage (or arhage) until it hits europe.

    i hope developers do something for future of lineage by making it harder . o does no1 miss all seves pvp just to do subclass q.
  5. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    wanted pvp but went to aria ? hipocrisy at its best.
  6. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    yes,mid knowledged people learn to read and write around 6/7 years of life.

    i wanted to pull the comparison of two different games that actualy have the same name but works extremely different.

    just pour parler but wondering if really those changes are felt from european community (i highly doubt,for every winner there were 100 loosers...) or european players are koreanizing themself...
  7. hjarred

    hjarred User

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    though something that is quite harsh to how you are to understand it, it actually holds much truth with what is added here. and considering that it really is intended to be an instance based game, there are a lot of interesting components that might not work really well with what you need.

    and judging from how people who have probably been more used to how they work before, are supposed to go with the flow and to make them come to ends.
  8. Dudnex

    Dudnex User

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    yep, no pvps after hellbuund ;x
    this is a sad game already
  9. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    i wanted to be harsh ,i meant it that way. :d

    on point i could argument that until god update eu/na players clearly expressed against this way the game took.
    can be seen that right after freya server and average pop numbers fall dramatically forcing the latest merges,while high five,with revamped epics and pvp classes balance worked to stabilize the situation until god...yea,until god...

    dont fall in error with the belief that god update brought players,it didnt,f2p (with + and -)system did,and the game overall couldnt keep those in the long run.
    more clearly,if a community built of clans and alliances has those not working properly you'll end up with a failed community and a broken game,so why insist this way?

    edit -
    but if gilby doesnt argument his wiew this thread goes broke....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2012
  10. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

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    well dont forget we`re just in chapter one. things will change alot but i srsly doubt in good way. with this new festival of chaos i have the feeling they`re trying to make even pvp instanced. it looks funny but still...
  11. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    what arguments u want ?
    i didnt went to prom because i was killing valakas for 5 hours me feel pr0 t3h l33t :d
  12. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    its highly possibly.
    cause people is aiming to a concept of e-sports or something that way ,but no pushes in any meritocratic direction.
    so in long term battlegrounds will replace open world pvp...the pk system has been changed in a carebear way as well,added that to the fact now everyone will manage to obtain a 100% rez and f--k over the concept of death penalty,that was one of the main points in the original lineage 2.

    cause you see here:
    this are the broken thoughts behind the changes l2 suffered,behind the common pattern shared in mostly all newest mmo's.
    its likely if in social aspect i work more than you,im better than you at doing so,but we still get same salary.
    why then should i spend more time,if i gain nothing from it?

    also,to gear up and to make money (it must be) has to be rewarding.
    or i wont do it,and stick to exp only....
    if making money is useless until 95 (cause 95 level gear obtainable from lvl 90 quest...ffs...) you'll break economy only to make casuals happy? and what about players that have different-higher goals?
  13. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    maybe tauti will bring pvp back, if castles go dark.
    anyway you have to understand that l2 is not meant for eu or na communities, it was designed for the korean players. those players grew up and so did the game. when they were in college they had time to spend 10h/day to kill a raid or go level hb. but since those same players grew up and have families and jobs now, so did the game in order to keep up with their demands: less time in game to achieve the same goals as before.
    why make epics instanced? well, unlike a siege or tw, although the date of respawn is known, it's highly unlikable that a working man would stay awake until 5 am to wait for octavis or istina to spawn.
    even if you look at our community, i bet half are 25+ year old and usually log for 2-3 hours in the evening, make kartia and fortuna and log out. i doubt many players would go back to the grind of c4-c5.
  14. randomm

    randomm User

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    in hellbound i was grinding like crazy 8 to 10 hours daily to get the weapons and the gear, and i was able to do so cause i had the time. i had a job back then also but, it was a easy job and i was able to stand till 4 am to keep the spot, sleep 4 hours and be rdy for work after. now.... hard job, more working hours and if i get to 1 am ingame a consider myself lucky, so yes, we can say game adapted to players. even if l2 is f2p now, they didn't bring new players to the game. they just got population from fail private servers to offi servers, but that means there are same pplz... bored, with jobs, with family and so on.
  15. Silme

    Silme User

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    play l2 from c1 chronicles. and we have always got the fun to play, having the targets to kill every time.
    we have had great times at cemetary and loa in c3, toi and fog in c4, hell bound, dragon valley in high five and now we are having huge fun at soa, orbis, sieges.
    from my point of view it is not a problem at all for experienced players to have fun and pvp - the only constraint -there must be other ppl around. donno how it is for the newbies naturally it is not the same as for me, but i cant agree with you at most points. the only thing im pity about is a ruined pk-system.
  16. yas

    yas User

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    pk system is not ruined , it works just fine on high levels
  17. Beasway

    Beasway User

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    every developer wants to attract new players to their game. for example lets take a person that has played wow for quite awhile but never tried lineage. would he want to grind for countless hours instead of just doing dailies, questing and killing instanced bosses? no.

    then why are you still there? if its a sad game for you then leave it, or get yourself together and learn to adapt.
  18. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    the evolution of l2 has "destroyed" its beauty in the eyes of old players.
    now the game is too fast. and i don't mean only you level up faster - which might be good for ppl used to x1... servers, but the whole game is like "fast food" universe. fast xp, fast equip, fast raids, fast oly, fast sieges, fast buffs.
    once to be able to xp good, you had to have wc, bd, sws, meaby human summoner for buffs. now an aio iss will do the job.
    epics? we were camping them for 12h to end up pvping whole allies before the winning ally enters the raid area.
    sieges? we were organising from which side to attack, we were negotiating with other clan to attack one castle, sides were made and broken on siege spot :p, or we were calling everyone that play l2 to log and defend our castle against 47 clans (the number is real). now 3-4 cps from each side, and the side with the most healers win.

    when i started to play god, was doing all the above, the non stop race, trying to xp as fast as possible 12h non stop at harnak 3, farming in gog upper to gear all cp for hours, to end up with half (if not all) of us, to get bored and quit. so now will be starting new char (the one i like playing), team up with 2-3 friends, and play for fun, craft my gear, make pvps and xp at normal mode to enjoy the actual game of lineage2, not the race they made it into.
  19. Razzly

    Razzly Banned

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    +1 but

    its not only the mmorpgs. shooter also has some of rpg to keep players so as you're saying its modern style of mmorpg. you need to put some effort in getting items. it has advantages for game developers (small chance that players engaged will leave) and for players (they got something better than casual players).

    you can check crysis 2 multiplayer for example or rainbow six (old titles but still).
  20. Beasway

    Beasway User

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    i do think that some players are crying just because they cant nolife for hours anymore to get epics and dominate other players. nowadays everyone is pretty much equal with instanced bosses, and you need skill to win oly, not just items like it used to be.
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