What and how many dyes i can put on main? How is best for Feoh? I dont think is same when i play 10 years ago^^ Ty for help
+15 STR +3 DEX. Jokes aside it's the obvious, + INT, but after GOD you have no longer limit you can increase, so you can go for +15 on dyes, for mages simply go +15 INT (or +15 INT +3 WIT if you can afford them)
Ty!but what Kind of dyes better buy?one time there Was only dyes andare great dyes now i see giant and more that i dont rimembranze name.Buy from mammon?ora in ah? So i have 3 slot dyes for main right?and for sub/dual? Sorry for english
Yes you have 3 slots for dyes in main and 3 different for dual, this is the difference between dyes: https://l2wiki.com/Dyes As comment, if you use 2 times resistance from same dyes (in example, x2 lvl 5 legendary INT dyes) resistances are not going to be added to each other (no +25+25 resist, only +25) but if you use x1 Legandary lvl 5 and x1 ancient level 5 both resistances are stacking (now it's +25+25 resistance) Best dyes for feoh atm are x30 +5 INT +1 WIT (Lv. 5 Legendary Int dye) dyes, but you can be fine with x30 +5 INT (Lv. 5 giant INT dye), you can't buy them from mammon, you need to farm them from bosses / events
It's obvious you're trying to get the last word as you usually do. Yeah, +5Int+5Cha might be better. But then what? It will cost him his 2 legs, while he could have bought giant lvl5 and a baium soul. Its not just about what the items give, its about what it gives and how much it costs, more over in early game like on ramona. Too stronk.
huehuehue... the nick of NoClue makes sence.. May 13, 2017 wise guy.. Best dyes for feoh storm screamer title of question post!
Ya, forgot to mention cmec that cant see any opinion than his own. Guess all the family is here now. This buddy didnt play L2 for 10 years and play on ramona. Dont break our ballz with dyes that cost 7b a set.