it depends , if you will play alone slasher is best option but if you can have sos buff , retri is more powerfull . sos + retri you can kill all you want
I have 100 lvl sos and iss with POM but 1 PA account. When i want use sos i run my old laptop. Now i have tauti weapon and with my equip + sos i do 2,5 kkk dmg on tauti. So if i keep tauti weapon i still should go in to retri?
pve retri+10 +sos > tauti + sos the rest depends on what you want to do , noone can help you with that
Yes i know that. But mabey you can tell me how about dps (dmg per minute fo exaple) for pve +10 retri vs pve +10 slasher (retri is blunt weapon so crtitical is x3 but lower p.att).