Hi people, I played for 7-8 years to L2 between official an private servers, before GoD was launched. After few weeks following this forum, reading some of your posts about "dead" servers, bots, drops, L2store...I would like to ask you all 2 questions. 1- Do you think is a good idea start now a new char in Ramona server without using L2store and not having a CP? 2- I played allways an Overlord, is it usefull now? Thanks for all answers in advance.
None of the servers are dead. There are some bots, but they are mostly in the low level areas. (Every multiplayer game has cheaters). It is way easier to level up, than to get gear, and that can be frustrating for big part of player base. (hence the no drops threads) Be aware, that the game changed a lot. Back in the day it was enough to have a decent weapon and armor and you could take on everyone, and every mob. Now there are lot more kind of equipments, and most of them are L2Store based. (Everything is obtainable for adena, but usually they cost a lot) I would say the real game starts at lvl 99. Forget about below 85, that's like a different game now, and it can be done in hours. Between 85-99 you can have a glimpse how the game looks like. 85-99 can be done in matter of day(s), but for a new player, most likely it will take a few weeks. For these reasons the low level areas and instances might not have too much party ongoing. 1, It depends on your goals. You can have fun doing dailies, instances, etc, but don't expect any significant PvP (and PvE) performance. 2, Dominator is the least played Iss Enchanter. It is so rare that I don't even know whether it can buff a random party or not! (It has clan buffs) Hierophant is the most played, because it is superior in both PvP and PvE, due to the Prophecy of Might buff. Good news is, that Isses are the cheapest class to play, so it is most suitable for the play style mentioned in 1.
No, iss overlords can't buff random party so they are useless atm, in next chronicle that should come around autumm probably, they will get a rework and will be able to buff random pt's like begore GoDess
Servers r lack of Buffers,so high lvl Domi in active clan is very handy. But to play in effeciently and enjoyable u have to be in clan with high online.
I mean if I were to start anew I'd have probably went for Core... Ramona is getting no events and it's harder to get equip for obvious reasons... As an Overlord you'd probably have easier time once you got a clan, I assume many clan mates would be happy to sell you their old equip for a fraction of price On the other hand though, Ramona has much more lowbies so you'll have easier time looking for party and stuff
Is it difficult to find a clan like you said? Why? Will be imposible to find parties for significant performance?
@Andaqueno seriously dont listein a qqers. Donating helps,speed up,but isnt an only option. Buy pa and ure more than rdy. To find decent clan uve to log in and shout for it. I belive it shoudnt be problem.
I didn't say it is impossible, but don't expect it, so you won't get disapointed! There are a lot of items ingame, and ways to improve. Even on Core server, that is almost 6 years old, there is not a single charachter that reached its maximum pontential. This leads to huge gap between top players and casual ones. To the point that a single guy can wipe out a lowbie clan. Simply don't want to compete with those guys right away, or expect to have similar performance, and you will have fun. They invested serious amount of time and/or money to the game, so If you are not willing to do the same, just don't expect to be like them anytime soon.
If you need good clan you must invest lots of real money to be good. On every daily quest spot you find lots of Erathia 1-85 adrenaline script bot.
Define a "good clan" ? Is that means top pvp? Top online? Top pve? Top donoring clan? And no,u dont need to invest a single penny in l2 to enjoy it.
?? wut. You either need PA or PA + additional l2 store stuff if you want to focus on pvp. At lvl 91 after selling all EAR/EWR + 40kk fortuna you should be at arround 150'-200'. Now until 99 there are no more decent quests for pure money. You gotta pray for drops on baylor/cc/balok/istina/octa etc etc or find a CP.
No and no. I know few pple who never invested a penny. They r not top players ofc,,but thats not a point here. A point is they dont even have PA and yet enjoy l2. To add more,they never had a cp ,or massive online time,or massive clan.
Some people do just play 2-3hours a day and find that fun. Socializing with there clan/party members... Not everyone feels to get PA and/or get additional L2 store stuff so they can pvp. FYI there's a market; and with that 150kk budget u mention its more then enough to play around and make billions (not exaggerating) Ofcourse this requires some common sense and to leave ur pc on 24/7 OR go on the AH, make 7 chars on ur account and u can put around 70 items for sale.
I dont need a top clan, I am just looking for an active clan, that have enough people to do pve and also some pvp ( clan battle, sieges,...) Clans check if you invest money? I dont understand your point.
just log and check clan enty man and choose one that it seems good to you,if its not good you can leave anytime and search for other...