Actually most of the people that moved from Core to Ramona are the server hopers, those who failed in Core and will try to achieve something in Ramona but when they see they can't catch up in gear they will either quit or go back to Core, there's literally 0 sense to move from Core to Ramona because in Core you will always have more gear and when dim server comes if it comes one day or even eventually server transfers, you will see the difference, most of people like me lived that and learnt the lesson in Magmeld NCW . The only point to join Ramona is to have pvps with closer gear where skill / leadership matters way more than in Core atm because of l2store, but won't last forever sadly
No reason to play on Ramona. Server will merge sooner or later. If you think that we can't stand each other , you're wrong , it's just a video game , if those guys would invite me to go get a drink , I'd go.
ramona is good only for one thing. make some adena and sell it.. or trade to core.. it's like 1:7 or 1:8, so only for this is worth to waste some time on that server. in 1 month you can make PA for half year on 3-4 accounts, and still left some adena to gear up in core. but basically as @MrOurk said - only server hoppers or those who stuck on <99 content play there.
Ramona wont ever catch up with core,like ever ever gear wise. No tarots released yet,dragons drop aint enough,theres not huge adena influx(this is why ppl keep playing mostly 1b is 65 euro in rmt sites),Either they release full content of store PERMANENTLY or make that event as ncwest with raids was half time respawn including dragons. If not this will be the 3rd biggest fail of innova after classic and nominating fragola cm
If they make any l2store event they will make them as Core / Ru got them, most of them permanent with sales from time to time, but ye I agree with you, unless they allow server transfer and enough amount of items are transfered between servers, not much will help. With raids having 50% spawn could be done at some point, we had those events in Core in past, but you would need to be extra carefull for the price not to fall down too fast or items might have 0 value, but it's one of best ways of making it from time to time, and it's not l2store related and it promotes pvp, so why not. It's kinda sad to see that Dim server discussion might be starting after summer and still 0 pvp weapon stones in Ramona in example to catch up a bit from people of Core (we get 1 per siege), in my opinion it's not best approach if you launch dim siege with one server full of items + another new one with no items just to remove in the end Core custom way of making pvp weapon stones and moving them to dim server, it would mean unless alliance between Core + Ramona top clans happen (really unlikelly), they won't be ever able to take Rune / Adena from TH/EN and they will be max aiming for pvp pvp stones for armor from small castles
Theres no pvp sets,theres no blessed sets, theres few overenchanted items,without l2store this server wont see a blessed antharas or blessed valakas for this year. Even with getting few pvp weapon this server wont be competitive for another year in terms of dim server.
Whats the point moving to ramona? If u are not an donator u have nothing to do in there, in core much easear get gear and play with +/- same online on server
I would be ashamed and do not talk after such a performance. But here we go still the same guys. Go enjoy with Assazhi the carpet mode , or your best buddy is also trashing you in clan chat?
If we have to downgrade ourself to this in order to enter dragons , well sorry but I'd rather go drink outside , it's much more interesting.
your clan downgraded when started wars against randoms who doing quest afk on macro.. so drag something from npc is no big deal )