Hi, Guess since its summer and core is half dead, is there a chance Innova would considering of leaving this event for summer and switching it off in autumn once more people comes back from holidays? Currently its really hard to find ppl for parties, and eventually on giving up the instas. Once we have this people that play would go outside towns and farm and get this lvlup. thanks
Core half dead? It's super easy to make XP pt's for instances or even open farm places, just get into proper clans or find CP and feel free to start getting xp
most people that i have spoken with they are saying the same. last few days i have been trying to make pts and it really took sometime. next thing is my gear isnt really that good as i simply cannot afford it and i cannot go to EV, GC, and my char is evis which ppl wont take it to teh Pt's
So this is different problem. Tho the double xp right now wasn't an event , it is a compensation for the trouble server got.
Simply or start play suport exmple iss and don't care becosue whit yull in 4 set and r95 bow +5 you can't do nothing .I said to all on this server is plenty good dps who exp like crazy only suport is need .And no one care about you eq they take even box whit s grade eq to pt .Do main evi and sub iss tkae gun for 50kk and GF you dont need more exp liek crazy iss take money don't buy even shots you dont need you are not dps .And easy get everything. Jun 13, 2017 I'm basicly random all time hate CP mode and im anti-CPMODe figter .Never have problme found somwhoen to go exp it easy like hell.
and u are 1 of them? ^^ with knight harmony to save rose.. and u have 800% cd? ^^ joke tyrr, even bigger joke dagger since u dont have gear and etc.. reroll.. pick a class which is wanted in partys and u will find it.. another thing, u want more xp, and what u gona do on 102-103-105 lvl without gear? u will be even more ignored because u dont have appropriate gear for your toon on your level.. u should want otherwise less xp so ppl can have time to make some gear before they reach a certain lvl gap and will be able to atleast stand in those xp spots take a mage.. for mage u basicly need 2rings (thats 3.2b) and better weapon, u can solo since mages have been boosted in this update, and like evis can kill mobs now practicaly everywhere, and sometimes even better than evis since evis dont have aoe
well i like evis and i dont want to re-roll to another class. The gear problem is innova dont want players to get a decent gear without paying so this is a different story. i do have a gear, but obviously not the epic one's. Guess it is what it is with the server
It's not like Innova doesn't want you having gear, it's that you have literally idea how to farm adena, just take a look at the search function and you will find plenty of ideas to farm
You got the probleme: CORE IS HALF DEAD And staff isnt doing anything to avoid it. We just play and wait untill servers merge ...
Ppl show many solution, and if u dont wanna listen is a different story, u dont need to donate to get gear, u just need to be smart... I farm something like 10b per month, without doing many things, and just actif 6days per month... If i was motivate to farm more i could make a lot of more adena...
I have just asked about this server 2xp/sp rate, and the thread went downhill about the adena farm and gear.
the way i play this game is i'll try to get lvl first and then start to gear somehow and think they way to obtain gear/adena, my current gear is enough to lvl. tezza soul octa istina earring, b zaken simple but OK jewels to get me thru. the same with armor. Once a higher lvl u can start farming higher places with better adena drops and such
let me open the biggest secret in l2 since lindvior update.. the biggest drop of adena/h is in low zones.. its not c6 when u were farming 2b to gear up.. here to be a bit competetive to top 10% of ppl u need at least 500b worth of equipment and those 500b is without brooches 5-6
well i started to play not long ago, so i dont really know what was before updates and everything. Obviviously u know everything on this game since this game was released
Personally I like the idea of extended XP/SP boost but I see no real use. As other explained getting level is incredibly easy (99 in 1 week, 101 easily in 1 month) but gearing up yourself will cost either incredibly long time or way too much money. What you can do is team up with others, start farming the instances together with a fair drop share. If you have time add "extras" to your activity, such as multiple kartias on different characters (not tested the income in the latest update but EWR/recipes still should be valuable), do the 10 oly matches on several accounts with full of chars (takes ~4-6h to make one +1h monthly for ~80kk/char) or simply play with the market, buy low and sell high. Also one of your first investments should be a Fancy Rod and fish whenever you can - few millions / hour profit you can expect. Let s survive the summer and pray to your gods that we do not lose any more population on the server. Constructive comment, I know.
i have read other people posts about making adena and such (Thanks a lot for all people that responded to the thread). I understand every1 comments and such. Guess this XP/SP idea would benefit people that are lvling from 101> ++ guess this would give them more of attitude of logging in and doing something. this is my personal opinion.
NO i use knight becosue warrior give only 15% attack speed what i have ALL TIME 1500 becosue i'm not pure like you i have set on 10 GF .That why is stupid use war becosue diference is only Attack speed Next if have neckle frintenza 10% ,la 8 10% and eva rune 20% whit sub skills and app you have 50% cooldown !!!!! that mnea you have cap next 20% in wiazard give ONLY 5% what is not point becosue 99% skills have CAP for reuse skills 50% nothing else and soon even BR cooldown not will be include in reuse time of skills (salvation update) That mean STFU .You are lol iss who don't udnestand and don't read skill description and this 15% patack and 15% atack speed for 80% pdef and 80% resist CD is stupid. Jun 19, 2017 Drop from instance and next your dreams was dead .Get 1000b adena in instance wit rate drop tauti 1/10000 instance that mean 1 person pear 5 months in serv drop somthing .How long you undestand only get money real time is L2 Store and market .EVNTS don't give that much like simply trade and market speculations .That mean your information is usseles for any player here. Jun 19, 2017 I don't see this special when i try exp Atelia , GOS or GC everywhere is fight on spots CP fight each others that why i don't know what server you play but i'm sour not on this what i play that mean Core .Pve is great few ppl like Cmec cry but they are noobs who cannot get items block them and play your path. Jun 19, 2017 For 2 x exp is for that you reach 105 and more to easy solo different instance and whiteout OP eq can chance solo few exp zone but you don't understand that .Next if you don't like is something like Exalted quest who give nice boost but if you have 101 like you Scubba is no point to worry long time you don't start this quest that mean don't wory forum fighter.
check again description of warrior and knight harmonys.. 1 gives 35% p atk and 8% atk speed, another gives 12% patk 45% pdef.. about cd when i get home i will find a screenshot where u "top notch dd" said u have 800cd (not cooldown, but critical dmg) ^^ and we all can laugh from u
Tbh I have no idea what you want to say, just spend 1h daily on English lessons and you will have a happier life.. Those points which I mention are quite valid, a new person can make adena like that. The instances also can be still a good source of income, as EACH CH siege gives around 200kk adena + belts, you can do that on 3 chars easily and there you have 1,8b + possible belts. Takes 3x15 mins each week. Messiah last time gave us items around 2,6b in a single run, not even counting the quest rewards. Regarding to your flames about level, you are here for a long time, I made my char after we returned in September and I am 103 with almost 102 dual with spending less than 1 EUR in store so far and playing more for fun and not for exp. I just dislike your playstyle when everyone hates you and all you can do is sit in atelia with your boxes.