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Make Antharas ,Valakas ,Lindvior pvp zones

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Vraja, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. Naito

    Naito User

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    First of all when you open ultimate box should have chance to get also lvl 2 3 4 and 5 not just 1, this brooch are too strong and too expensive so at this moment fully destroying this game.

    Fix it, make a balance in game then speak about pvp and endgame content... Many new people in game from my country give me question, is worth to play this game. They come here, because before level 6 brooch i was saying this game is good, l2store not too strong bla bla, so they read and decide to play again l2. And what to say them now ? Before i could invite without lying to them, but now its a joke, full l2store, so ofc my answer is at this moment, better do not start or play, but focus just on pve. PVP and end game contenct is reserved for people with really big wallet in real life.

    To have a chance stand up and competitive fight for epics and other endgame contet is not like ohh some one have one or two brooch lvl 6, now its about how many ppl can cast full broch skill, so sooner or later 7 ppl in cp need to have 6 lvl 6 brooch, because super donors when losing start push l2store button harder and harder. PvP atm is nothing about skills or cooperation, its all about how many brooch cast party can have.
    Hax likes this.
  2. YoloWhatEver

    YoloWhatEver User

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    How does brooch even matter?
    if TH is capable of "wiping" EN on siege, why can't they accept the loss in a dragon mass pvp and have to use ******** to enter? It seems like the one who wants to free farm is you and not EN....
    Crying about brooch raps is pretty funny considering you were never leaving town without 3-4 brooch raps before and using them even against pties that had 0.
    But I am not surprised to see you crying about it since the latest change to brooch raps completly destroyed your plans about it.
  3. Takanodan

    Takanodan User

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    Hey, best game ever.. now all cc can AFK while 1 clicker from each side fight against the other to see who clicks faster..

    L2 has become such a nice game..
  4. YoloWhatEver

    YoloWhatEver User

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    Yes, sadly it is the way it is going.
    There should be pvp for every end game boss except maybe AQ because it has always been this way. Even back in C4 when Epic jewels were introduced.
    But Baium, Anakim/Lilith, Frintezza are all located that I am sure bring everyone here some amazing pvp memories and look what they have become....
    They rather revamp GC for 27th time than revamping ToI or Dino Island when the place itself is amazing but became totally and utterly useless as even lowbies don't use it for XP.
  5. Kuryl

    Kuryl Banned

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    Only one thing destroying this game, it's brooch rapso. Diffrence between lv4 and lv6 jewels isnt really big but this active skill is ********.
  6. Hax

    Hax User

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    point is my clan isnt even supposed to win siege considering u hold 80% heroes and we had equal numbers (of which 1 party was not even participating, so u actually had more)
    On Lindvior it was my mistake but doesnt change the fact that you guys outgear us by a lot yet.

    And what exactly was destroyed? We can kill any of your parties with ease except kengas but even they die some 7v7.
    Naito likes this.
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