Well short and simply I got banned on my 5 out of 21 account's without any notification untill not too long just untill 12-05-4755. Reason's wasnt provided, but I'm sincerelly clapping for you Innova and I'm curiuos how much you get paid by bot programs/scripts creator's? Because I'v been banned after just about week when I started activelly reporting bot's in Pavel Ruins and other crowded zones like Fairy Settlement, and created specific account full of pk char's to clean theese "cancer" user's. What's funniest that I'm banned only on my pk acc and on thoose that I used for reporting bot's. Thoose that wasnt been involved still playable.. Meybe that wont be big deal, but 3 of thoose accoun'ts were important to me, bcs on one was my main, and that account still had 3.5k$ left in l2store. So I have reaced conclusion that: a) you get share of bot's user's licences. b) one of your 'bot hunter's' get's paid from them. Why not c) I dont see any other logical reason why I coud have gotten ban. I dont need bot myself, because I pay for 18 PA acc, and few thounsand euro to spend for game I love isnt big deal for me, and I have alot ppl as friends in Ramona or even Core and they know me and my reputation. I might be hothead, but I never flamed in game chat too harsh any1. And all this appeared only after I started my own personal war agains botters with pk'ing and keeping report button on CD, and another reason for me to believe this because banned accounts only thoose that were included into this action. From my personal expierence in rl, of working with russian companys I knew that they are greedy and corrupted, but never though that it will be so obiviuos and on this level with Innova. I feel down and deceived by how much time I wasted in this server. And right now pity money I gave for you Innova. That was a mistake and I'm sure of it right now. I did enjoyed Ramona, but you made me take decision never again play in any server of your's neither EU neiher RU. That's a good kick in a butt to lastly start playing in KR server's. Just wanna say gl & hf all still playing there and especially for ppl that helped me in theese few years including Core server players, I enjoyed playing with you all: Shiny; Siora; iReflect; ThomasBlack; ToTuk; Grisha; Rolexxx; lRDl; Riordan; Dodger; MsChilli; Crocodile; B; Adrenalin; Cobra; Elronia. Bye bye
Wait your "farm chars" got banned or "pk chars"? Did you open a support ticket to figure out what was the reason? Getting unfairly banned is probably the worst thing that could happen to anyone, i hope you can clear things out although having so many "farm chars" is kinda suspicious.
Making a thread in forum won't get you anywhere, just make a ticket, ask for a reason for the ban and they will explain you. The methods being used today in most of games are big data analysis, where basically a lot of patterns are analyzed by the server itself and some specialist reading that data and checking accordingly. It could be simply a human mistake, don't forget behind every GM there's a person and human mistakes are one of most common mistakes. It could also be a false positive, like when an antivirus by mistake decides a file is infected ,it could be the case also. Or the worst case for you, it could be that you were doing something illegal with those accounts, just send a ticket, it won't hurt and you will get answer on why you got it
I dont think he's willing to wait to see if support will look into it, or else he wouldn't lash out agaisnt innova like this.. Its a though situation, but setting fire to the rope that can pull you up is never a good option (talking about corruption acusations, etc).
make ticket and write ban reason, popcorn on. Never heard of unfair bans. Okay unfair maybe but all bans so far were always justified if looked at the rules
Adrenalin is a nickname of player in Core server, that was my CPL back in days I played there. Why shoud I need to use bot when I can farm anything with all acc that I pay PA with new macro system and risk all time/money I invested? I already made 2 ticket's. One yesterday and another today. Both not found anymore in "My Ticket's".
Interesting, pbbly we wont see any official answer, even tho it might deserv it. I'll keep an eye here
This guy was botting since day 1 here and clearly confirming it both on forums and in-game. If you go back to thread about farming just look at his answers and you can clearly notice hes botting. No chanc ehe can control more than 10 boxes at once without "help". He got caught, he got banned. Sad, because other obvious botters like B are still clear but well, B cashed out, you got banned so its getting better. GJ innova bot hunters
If you're going to KR, I'd like to make a support toon there or something. I've long considered making a character there, but never really got to it. Can't be too active, though, but it'd be cool to play sometimes. =)
We do archive tickets after a while - but we do so after the ticket is resolved, in case anyone gets access to your account - so they couldn't see your sensitive data. If you can't find your ticket, you can always PM me with a ticket ref number and I'll help. You should have received the ticket ref number to your email. Moreover, all of your tickets can be accessed through a direct link from the confirmation email.