I request for re-lab this experiment where picture lost/damaged. And also i request for enchanting weapon magic/physical from 10->11, 11->12, 12->13 to +16
Experiment: try a +4 Apocalypse slasher, a non enchanted apocalypse slasher, and a non enchanted shadow slasher. Question: to see if the +96 P. atk on +4 apocalypse slasher adds to the weapon's dmg ( as in base dmg modifier) or to the total amount of dmg (as in totally useless dmg modifier) Reason: I need to know if a +4 apo slasher (648 dmg + 96 p.atk ) is beter then a normal shadow slasher.
that +96 adds to final patk (after buffs and all other boosters(like 648*pasive*buffs*set bonus*jewel bonusses +96), apo has "bonus" double sa of choice, 10%pvp dmg(from same sa's) +apo can be augmented.. and ofc the most important part it can be sold after u are done (i doubt partys need ppl with 150 atri shadow wep (and if make 300 then u loosing money since it cannot be traded after) i doubt they gona make experiment like that which can be checked easily (maybe on ramona now harder but on core if need its easy to check)
New tarot drop chances and percentages? Open 10k tarots please. I have opened 1000 tarots last week and believe me, you don't want me to post the results.
They are not making any experiment based on l2store because if people knew real chances they wouldn't buy most of the stuff
Abundance lvl 1, Abundance lvl 2, 2xSoul tezza, 1 Destruction weapon, 2 destruction armor, 1xR99 Purple, 3xR99 White, 3xPaagrio Breeze, 2x Dark Eternal stones, 11x Bloody Eternal, loads of venirs and other useless ****.
Experiment: Tauti/kelbim weapon upgrade stones Question: what chances to get insane kelbim/ frenzied tauti fragments from mystic tavern Reason: is it worth to do mystic tavern just for drops, and 104+ exalted quest, or there is some hope to get those fragments to upgrade tauti/kelbim weapons. atm in server there are 2(?) frenzied tauti weapons if i'm not wrong. and both fragments was bought from auction manager in giran..
Can you open 10k Ultimate jewellery boxes for us to see the average percentage of boxes? It is still not clear to me how it should really work. I've opened 1k boxes today and I got more Ruby than Sapphire.. doesn't make sense any more.
They won't make l2store experiments but I saw some russian opening 10k boxes (the amount you asking for), he said there's a chance of 2.5% to get amethyst / red cat / blue cat and 7.70% chance for rest
Percentages in the description of the video Edit: this guy also opened thousands of Tarot, you should check the results ^^
Experiment: Open 10k chest Hero's Treasure Chest and Treasure Chest Question: What is better to open to obtain Talisman - Abundance Pack and how many % is possible to obtain Greater Rare Accessory Pack (P.S. Also if it is possible open 1k or 10k Talisman - Abundance Pack to show result what is % to obtain recipe 1lv. abudance)
(P.S II. I know this one tresure chest is not possible to obtain but this one show me aden reconstruction on l2wiki , so this page on l2wiki need update. And I just want this common tresure chest from this system aden reconstruction)
i got 3 or 4 those abundance boxes.. from ~50 chests what you get for high lv mats, r cry and r gems..
Experiment: Skill power effect on blows Question: Using dagger blows with dual skill Master Rage (the one increasing skill power) or/and with Seraph Light ASSASSIN type which increase skill power 6% Reason: Last test was 07-16-2013: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=259534, question are that changed or not.
Experiment: Attack attribute on PvE Question: How much damage increase attribute attack. Reason: how pve dmg increases with increased attribute attack during pve. and where is break points. test with 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 and in the end 999 atr attack (idk or it's possible to make more).