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[21.08.2017] Fishing event preview

Discussion in 'Team Blog Archive' started by CM Fragola, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. YoloWhatEver

    YoloWhatEver User

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    It is still very possible to farm all your gear by playing the game only and spending very little in the store but it requires lot of time and to fight on a daily basis for the money raids.
    (And not let your clan member farm them by default and then sell the adenas)
  2. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    atleast ncwest community has balls to expres how bad things are now.
  3. Naito

    Naito User

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    So tell us what gear did you get from game and using now :)
  4. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    No one said it isn't, but how many people can do it simultaneously? I bet not a lot... Even a PvE group of 7 experienced people farming 97, 98, 101, 103, Turakan, Isabella, Krogel and 4 Bosses for a year won't be enough to reach end game.
    And imagine that a healthy server should have if not hundreds, a few thousand of players. Simply not enough farm around the map for everybody, only for the few and experienced farmers who have the low-level alt PvE toons with already top gear to kill the boss instantly.
  5. Arbogast

    Arbogast User

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    People need atleast a vision of being able to achieve basic equipment. Now you are not able to farm 3rd SA, 7s talismans, Abundance talismans, level 5 brooches and it all started with PVP weapons/armors. Really dont understand why is it so hard to make location like isle of prayer, where players were farming with low chance atribute stones back in the day. That was the most important thing that time. Now players know that the only way achieve these things is - credit card...No events. No farm. Why would you waste your life on this.

    Korea does 0 to deserve all those money low IQ players are sending them.
  6. l Aleph l

    l Aleph l User

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    Obviously I failed with the forum rules :p

    Hey guys,

    Disclaimer : I've got my popcorn to see all the hate comments or good comments after what I will write!

    I've been on the 4game forums the last 3-4 days looking into the event and L2Store sections. I understand that most of you are frustrated with the rewards from the events. You are frustrated that the server has less active players than before, that everything is expensive and also that you have to spend a lot of money on L2 Store.

    Here is my opinion in each of them separately :

    1) Rewards (L2Store promotions) - All about rewards is luck. Probability works here (I can elaborate a little bit longer on this when I'll finish my fishing experiment ;) ) . I know it's frustrating but think if every player in the server open the heine chests and all of us get a Lindvior earring. How this will change the picture of the server. If this is what you think the events should be, may as well ask Fragola to give feedback to the devs that we want a pvp private server store where you can buy your items. Last but not least I will just make a comparison between the lowest reward you can get for the embryo event in L2.com and 4game.com. So NCWest the lowest reward you can get is Fish Cream (which is rubbish in my opinion) where in Core the lowest reward (again based in my opinion) is an Elcyum powder (that is quite useful or good adena if selling in the store). Now when it comes down to prices 2500 baits cost 3600 NCoins (45€) and in Core 3000 baits are (42€).
    2) Rewards (events) - Unfortunately I was swamped with work and college at the time of the carrot event so I don't have much input, but come on you play gather event items trade them and you get stuff (whatever this stuff are, they are free and extra).
    3) Number of active players - My two cents in this one. The server has less people now because of Ramona and also because of summer. That's alright they will start coming back. What makes me sad is that if you are engaged with the game and you want more people, then the way that you are advertising the server will never bring more people. The best marketing for any service or product is the customer. If somebody will come to me and say you know what I like this game and spend so much time but it's low in active players and Innova ***** big time, then normally I will not really want to spend my time on this. Hopefully you all get my point on this! Default to trust that Innova people try their best for the server, but also be ambassadors.
    4) L2Store - L2 store for me is pretty straight forward and it's the tool to categorize players into 3 categories 1. Investors , players who try to get easy items and get to the end game (mostly spoil the fun for the other people), 2. Core (majority) players, the ones that spend some amount in the L2Store but they also happy to grind and do tons of PVE to get to the end game, 3. Hard core farmers, players that they don't want to spend money or they cannot spend any money in the store and they have to do everything through PVE. So the question here is if you are in 2 and 3 are you patient enough to get to the end game?

    P.S no I'm not working for Innova :p I just loved and still love L2 from the open beta.
    P.S 1 I'm in the category 2.

    Cheers and enjoy the L2 experience or any other game you will try after!

  7. goduole

    goduole User

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    Without l2 store u cant lvl up, gain gear or be competetive , its not game like before , There is no middle geared players there is TOP and low .. why new players should come here ? Ramona show to gms that players can play here less then 2 months till realize if u dont invest eurs u cant play, so many players quit .. simple as that (ramona now dead xD)
  8. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Pvp set / coc belt before I left the first time

    I got some items from my past in my previous clans like anakim talisman and pvp weapon stone.

    And I had not more than 3-4h to play per day if not less.
  9. One4All

    One4All User

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    Are you sure you are playing in this server? Because your comment seems to be from other galaxy....

    1. The lowest reward is 1 R gemstone, not elcyum powder. But anyway I see you becomming very rich guy even having 100.000 elcyum powders. You‘ll miss only like 800 bilions (minimum) to reach end game stuff. But try to calculate how much EUR you‘ll spend for those elcyum powders!
    2. For sure I see you haven’t participated in galup event, as it was like 50% of event uploaded only into server. And I didn’t checked the fact, but I guess it was the only farm event during last 4 month period. Try to calculate how many L2 store events was during same time and you’ll understand that playing in 3rd category (or maybe even on 2nd category which you mentioned later) you’ll be able to reach end game stuff not earlier than in 5 years.
    3. Players started leaving in big quantities not when Ramona was created, it was when level 6 brooch jewels was inserted into servers, or maybe even earlier. Ramona was just another dagger in players back, because server already lost like 10% of players half an year ago, because of level 6 jewels. And Innova dicided to split the players who was patiently still playing.
      And now both servers are dying.
    4. Players categories is not bad thing as a fact, the problem is that even if you compare 1st category and 2nd category players, the gap is so huge, that one party of category 1 can easily kill 5-6 parties of category 2 playes. And I bealeave this disbalance doesn’t give much fun either for 1st or 2nd category players.
      How I also like to compare those 1st and 2nd category players, I think that 2nd category players is always playing with stuff like two chronicles behind than 1st category players.

    The answer is – you‘ll never reach the end game.
  10. Rnika

    Rnika User

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    Well problem is that really many players are from non euro zone

    For example
    In poland you earn 2000 zł/month
    in german you earn 2000 e/month
    Now l2store comes in. 42e per pack
    For german its just 42e. he still have -1958e.
    For poland its a almost 200 zł - so still have 1800zł
    If buy 4 packs
    For german is 168e - still have 1832
    For poland is720zł - sto only 1280zł left

    Now if l2store would be cheaper more ppl from poor countrs like poland/bulgaria/czechs would but much more .
    Now when i have to pay 720zł for 4 pack i wond buy 3 of them
    but if i have to pay 720 zł for example 8-10packs i would eat sand for rest of month. But i will be happy i can afford items from l2store.
    Also german ppl would buy more.

    This is how its works and innova cannot understand that....
  11. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    "2nd and 3rd" category players will never reach the end game because every 2~3 months or so they put something new ( even if not that big) into L2 store to make gap even big. Couple months ago was this new brooch and it's augment effects ( hey! let's make those guys who are already unreachable with their level 4~6 jewels even more strong!).

    I agree with the other guy who said that we, as costumers/forum users, don't make a good case for the servers in terms of attracting new people into this game ( this reminds me of the surveys most companies make with you to ask "from 0 to 10, how much would you recommend their services to a friend?"), but honestly? That's not our fault. I am sure that Innova as publisher doesn't have full control of what the game has become ( It's irrelevant ask for them to "balance" the" game when they aren't the ones who make it).
    Although...they have some freedom to chose between specs : The biggest example is the NA servers have TOPAZ and the EU servers don't ( Don't know what that is? go search for a couple videos of Olympiad/CoC with players using Topaz).

    Players on the 2nd and 3rd category are always trying to catch up ( some faster than others) on the new content that comes in all the time, but that takes a LOT of time now, since it is based on C H A N C E, and not on purely on having the adena (Level 5~6 jewels, Shiny elemental shirt +10). Players on the 1st category surely force their hands onto the other players and I understand why : There you are, sitting your Aden castle with 6 level 6 jewels on your Brooch and nobody poses a threat or give you any action into your "2-times a month PvP opportunity". So of course you go into other castle and blast a whole clan with 2 skills having Rhapsody + Brooch BR active and laugh about. (Deep down we know you feel sad and frustrated for having to play that way).

    I played on Zaken server when it opened ( november 2015) until may 2016, and the breaking point that separated my party, who didn't spend much on L2 store but farmed REALLY HARD, from the parties that had a lot of cash to spend was the Shirts and Brooches jewels. We wen't from "Hey, we can fight this if we focus the right targets and avoid most of the damage on our healers ( back when the Z-range treath was R E A L )" to "Hey...they are going to deal 4 times our damage and that's it, let's pack it up"
  12. Naito

    Naito User

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    And with all those items you are ready for pvp on the top, like equal with equal ? Haha
  13. goduole

    goduole User

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    tryed collect party 3x times today and all tiems failed becose no ppl :D inovva are blind as ****
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2017
    Naito likes this.
  14. DeadZy

    DeadZy User

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    When i was sick and had to stay 1 week at home before a month or so, i was doing 2 instances for 8 hours cuz no ppl and got bored and started leveling a box just to do something.

    So cmon man, make boxes, buy 2nd pc, buy 3-4 PAs and farm all day long. Where is the problem? You cant buy 2nd pc? Well thats not our problem! As the staff here are telling you - No one is forcing you to do anything. They just make you feel like trash if you dont spend real money! - No big deal! Just buy some happiness!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2017
    xa0xa0xa0 and Naito like this.
  15. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    Maybe if those pixel collectors, because I can't really call the players, stop supporting Innova's bad decisions by spending thousand of euros when our servers are dead, maybe then we will have a chance to see real change.
  16. Surprised

    Surprised User

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    Are you mad? Why do you try to convince everyone that Poland is a poor country, while it's completly lie, we're not the richest, but don't ******** here.

    And even if they made prices depended by region, don't you think people from Germany, gonna send money to people from Poland, and let the Poles do the rest? At the end Germans would be still the one benefiting the most ;)
  17. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    I am because it doesn't matter the gear for me and I was in one of the most powerfull CP back in time and well I'm still in a very good CP. Gear is something and I always lacked some gear compared to my opponents but I still fought on the top lvl.

    If you wanna talk about the past 3 month , you can but just get this into your head , I had better things to do than playing lineage 2 and that's why I wasn't pvping.
  18. TranpeGG

    TranpeGG User

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    There should be a way to help the vast majority of people that live in poor countries, even if it does a bit more for others too.
    No offense but stick to Core General Discussion, it suits you best.
  19. Anxxonymous

    Anxxonymous User

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    Nothing to say there. I don't take this as an offense , everyone can have their opinion, and well no offense but I'm not really caring about your advice ;)

    I'm not agreeing with what some people are saying : you can reach the top level with some dedication , and with some time, but you don't have to fear to get destroy also because you almost can't step up if you're keeping this fear, yes sometimes you will totally be frustrated but you shouldn't stop at this point.

    Does this make me agreeing with the L2 store events ? Not at all, imo Innova is abusing their customer even if they are saying that it's the event made by NC , it suits them perfectly also since they have to make profit. Why I'm not reacting more about this ? Because I'm not caring that much anymore...
  20. Naito

    Naito User

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    You can, cause you don't even play also your character does not change anything in game, so please do not tell to us what you can. Do you think people from other clans can get so easy items which you got thanks to join donor cp and donor clan like EN ? What the rest can say ? Tell to Allab or Slaiter how easy is to get competitive items by playing. Why they still don't have ? Why you don't have ?

    Cause forum troll like you are and other people which just commenting here, but do not play this game, we have what we have. Innova listen also your opinions, which are useless, just total nonsense.

    Without big big crazy donations you can't enjoy the game, have just very small chance to play end game content not as the 1 shot material, but like equal with equal. this is wrong, Lineage was MMORPG game now is more like Single Player RPG.