I would appreciate if someone could tell me how much the jewels from lvl 1 - lvl 5 can be selled to market with a minimum up to maximum price.... Server Core Eu.. for example ruby lvl1 - lvl 5 = 200kk - 800kk... ty all for your futuring answers ... best regards
all lv1 40-150/180kk (depending on jewel) all lv5 30b-120b (depending on jewel) its easier just simply to shout that u sell lv5 and u will have pm's from there u can decide +- the price about lv1 simply check shops in aden there u will see for how much ppl buy 1 or another and for how much sell.. no one can tell u exact price on anything since they fluctuate from day to day, same thing is with lv5 one day ruby 5 costs 70-90b next day can be 100 or more lv3 jewels cost +- 1.3b lv4 jewels cost 6-9b, those who trying to sell for more selling it for months and still cant sell
topaz we dont have lvl5 prices in order from left to right 110b-120b 80-90b 90-110b 100-110b 60-70b 35-50b 35-50b 70-80b prices are "sell prices". you can find some things lower and some higher. prices change weekly/daily good value: 1000 lvl1 price = 1 lvl5 price
i know that you cant sell lvl1-lvl4 jewels... the only tradable is lvl 5 ... am i right ??? PS>>>> lvl1 only unpacked can be selled...
there is an option to seal (pack) lv 3 and 4.. so u can sell lv3-4-5 but to seal u need other materials (basicly lower cost jewels to grind, the price of lv3 is like 500-800kk +packing price, lv4 is like 1.5-3b +packing)