This is a PREVIEW of what's waiting for us (hopefully) next week at Core and Ramona. Planned Dates: 05/09 - 03/10 Planned Mechanic: 1) Only 1 char Lv.85+ per account can participate 2) Every day you get x3 of 1h event buff that gives you a random cosmetic (as above and below). 3) When you have this buff, you participate in a server-wide lottery, where you can win either main prize, event coins or nothing every hour. 4) Possible lottery rewards: event coins, Helios Weapons +10, Venir 11/12/13 and other high-grade talismans, soul bottles etc. 5) If the lottery is successful and there's a winner, everyone participating gets event coins. If no one got the main prize, the coins are also not added. 6) The coins are tradeable and can be exchanged for an event chest at NPC. When opening the chest you can get different resources from Dark stones and dyes to R gemstones. The detailed description of rewards will be given in the official event announcement next week. Event Status: testing on our test servers, planned to be installed on September 05. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This event preview is an attempt to organize better info flow between the team and the community as a result of the feedback given in previous discussions on the forums. I believe this will help players to organize their time and exping better and see what's being done for the server. I hope you understand that in a case of negative feedback we have the right to stop posting previews and go back to "100% proven info only" mode. NOW, if you support this attitude, please put a like (it's a good idea to support people here with likes anyway) and give me a comment below if you have any questions.
Some ppl say: Every good thing last 3 days. In inova case is less. What hapend with the team blog, its october and we are still at JULY plans. Again no info about upcoming events and updates. NCSOFT is working for more than 1 month now on the new update what about inova? Also, expect dragon weapon and sayha talisman game-breaking events, "coming soon"...
Are u serious? Do you take payment once at every 3 months? With the same success you can post it for a year and don't bother to log in again in the forum.
They are just waiting for stuff from Korea, they got nothing to do, except the "Dusting the server guy", hes bussy 2h/week. Once a year testing new stuff before update. 14 ppl in building. Dream came true in Putins land. Lets make the Core great again and support these guys with some nice payment. No need to save for Christmass, those are gonna be next year again for sure.