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R.I.P. Ramona

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by STI_2017, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. xXGuliverXx

    xXGuliverXx User

    Likes Received:
    • Server econamy - crashed (don't exist any more)
    • New players - 0
    • Old player - decreasing stable
    • Bots - decreasing also
    • GM team attention for server - 0 ( they only appreciate Core)
    • Game drop - 0 ( without drop rune don't expect drop)
    • Etc.
  2. Allab

    Allab User

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    They dont care for core too... server full bot and gm dont want work :X
  3. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Some of these are a reflect of the game content ( Not Innova's 'fault', they have to introduce the content in order to make a profit- they are a company, after all) and others are a reflect of the EU community :Europeans don't play Official servers that much.
    Official servers ( in both EU and NA) are walking to a point where no new players will join: it is an outdated game(engine wise), making people with VERY GOOD computers play with 10 FPS at sieges and needing to spend a small fortune to actually have fun on PvP ( most people say that Lineage 2 PvP system is without equal in all of MMORPG). Then all goes into place: old players have to stop playing because of their life routines, no new players joins because there a lot of new "easier,cheaper,faster" games to have fun with nowadays.
  4. Negnal

    Negnal User

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    everytime i see "innova is a company so they need money that why we got dragon weapons and other l2store" - for me is like joke

    There is many many games that make tons of money just from cosmetic items and don't need to put all end game or overpowered items in store. The metod is easy you just need to project normal items (dropped from game) that look as ****, unattractive, the most colors of those set will be black, grey, bronze with simple design. After that make loot boxes (like tarot) where you can get nice visual cosmetic with grade like something green+blue and with better grade but lower chance to get it like shiny version of some armor. People will get crazy and spend tons of items to be more attractive.

    And there is not only theory on this but you can see in the most production like CS:GO, LoL, Overwatch, Path of Exile, Pubg, Fortnite, H1Z1 and probably there is a ton of other game that i just don't know and had this system and for sure there are making a lot of money without losing players.

    Look at Battlefront 2 and thier loot boxes where you can get points to unlock and make better characters that no-pay customers need like 40-50h to unlock just one. They lose tons of players and canceled many of preorders just becouse of this loot boxes (similar to lineage 2 - you pay you are better) and for sure EA could do something with cosmetic and will be all good. Thier mistake.
    Naito likes this.
  5. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    The Lineage followed both paths... there is classic ( which is basicaly like a "normal" nowadays game, with cosmetics and somes boosts for sale, but pay to play)and there is the normal servers. Sadly, the changes on the normal servers can't be reverted. The introduction of new content like shirts,brooches and cloaks is something that generate A LOT of money in all servers.
    Just think about Innova as it was YOUR business or company. You are in for the money. It is entertainment? Yes. But it is a hobby, and people spend money on this hobby. You have to also remember that as a publisher there is not much Innova can do about these contents(RIP Topaz).
    The european and russian players from Innova can be grateful that at least they have the option to play on classic, if they don't like the pay to win from normal servers. The same can't be said about NA players.
  6. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    can you stop counting money what is not yours and just play the game? ofc for some forum warriors and angry kids it's impossible, so whining in forum and barking in &chat left...
    ramona was doomed since day 1 because of:
    1. chronicle when drops is almost 0, and when paulina 30d set disappears - you stay naked, with some adena and nothing to buy in AH for that.
    2. EU players want everything max in short time
    3. if you want achieve something - join big clan. being in big clan it's work. so it's hard for casual players. those fioxed times for aq liliths anakims etc.
    4. donators. because look at 2.
    5. top clans dress up "stronkest parties" and when they fail^2 like B did they simply cashout and disappear and clan is doomed, because rest peoples have almost lol gear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2017
  7. Tizarth

    Tizarth User

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    the real problem is not the player base or the fact that l2 is old as internet but the money,
    you need an incredible amount of money to get fun in l2 nowadays and this is simply CRAZY,and everybody that write "you can have fun without spending much money" fool themselves because people play this game to compete and pvp,to have a chance to be n1,to be part of a team and to humiliate the enemies,lineage is drama,have been and always will,people do not play to be the next meat shield on field,that's why lineage 2 is still so much played on private illegal servers and not on official ones.
    nobody gonna join a game where you can achieve this only by money,too many items,epics,shirts,talisman,equips+++,weapon+++,agathions etc etc etc,
    Naito likes this.
  8. Naito

    Naito User

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  9. Negnal

    Negnal User

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    Even if there is l2store it's expensive as duck. In RU to get ruby 6 (is like for example 100 euro) here you need around 400-500 euro. That why RU is alive becouse much more players can reach end game and enjoy PvP what is the best content of lineage 2. The gap between ppl who donate 200 euro will make 2 jewels lvl 6 vs 1000 who will have 6 jewels lvl 6 (but hey ruby 6+obsidian 6 is the most needed to pvp so you need 2 jewels (ignore for now brooch rapso)) is not that high as in EU where guy (200 euro) maybe with luck will make ruby 5 when 1000 euro guy will make 2 jewels lvl 6 (ruby + obsidian - and he is in better position now). So in RU player who donate less will stand more in fight even vs donator but in EU you will get 1 shot from donator.

    TLDR - lower price = same amout of spending money from players but they can enjoy more PvP and end game content = server more alive.

    Hard example:
    Nowadays l2store:
    If i spent 600 euro on brooch and get only ruby 6 but i need 3-4 other jewels lvl 6 to make brooch rapso i don't have motivation to spent another crazy amount of euro to try for another lvl 6 jewel, and on the way is new talisman, some new tarot and other l2store content that i will not have money and motivation becouse my luck sux and i got nothing from combining jewels or opening a tons of dragon chest or guys who are rich will 1 shot me. So i dont have motivation to play more and that will make me not to donate .

    Cheap l2store story:
    If i spent 600 euro and get 2-3 jewels lvl 6 I will be happy and motivate me to spent more, i will make in 2-3 month my brooch rapso. I will enjoy PvP that no one will 1 shot me but i know there will be hard time vs guys who donate more. I will wait to another l2sotre like sayha tali, new tarot becouse i want to have something new, feel that my character is better when i spent money. My character will be stronger, I will be happy and enjoying the game.

    BTW: not all countries reach 600+ euro / month from work.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
    LangleyQueen and {IronV} like this.
  10. LangleyQueen

    LangleyQueen User

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    Yes...i am an undercover agent of Innova...you just uncovered the secret! Or...i'm pointintg out both sides reasonably. You gottta put yourself on Innova's shoes to understand what happens, as they should put our shoe's and understand our concerns too. This is the only way to approach a problem and actually come up with a solution.

    Especially because the main target to enter the game should be younger people (15 ~20 years old), and these people are only studying or study + work part-time, and they don't have the money to stay afloat. So marketing wouldn't be enough if people can't afford the gamestyle of the server. The Classic would be a better option for these people.
  11. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    IDK it seems like sudenly a lot of geniuses coming "oh ramona is dead", well WOOP DEE DOO, what was core players saying from the start? That this server is a waste of space. And in the process it ****** core too, good ******* job "new server".
  12. goduole

    goduole User

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    They never never ever do what ppls want most , if they do we will never saw ramona , dragons in l2 store , 6 bronch and etc ^^

    Most sad that they fooled ppl wich played core with thoughts that with fresh start they reach more or be more equal with others , but l2 store buyers was the same winners , so they soon realize that no hope for this server and quit , so we lost many ppl in core and now got dead ramona, just nice

    Basicly this ramona was just for botters or big farmers to make fast eurs from adena thats it ;p
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
  13. iKrockle

    iKrockle User

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    economy crashed lel what? I know bots on fairys and a lot of bots in low lvl locations. They demp adena cost but not so hard because we not have so much events. Prices on Ramona very low for good items.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  14. Notic

    Notic User

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    The one and only problem is that people are broke or lazy or both. They want the best of everything and want it now. New guys want to have all the same stuff in 3 months what others spent 3-5 years accumulating. So Innova said fine, here buy it or grind it. Too many autistic people here who cant commit. They want a game to be a like a one night stand, I will **** around a bit and maybe hop onto another hoe the other night.

    Yes, making adena is hard, still very possible to make a living if you put TIME and EFFORT. Its no different from any other older game.

    There was l2store or not, top people would still be 1 shooting you, but now at least if you're rich, you can be top too fast. Its ******* common sense which monkeys seem to be lacking a lot here.
    CM Fragola likes this.
  15. Naito

    Naito User

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    And who are the peoples which wanna have 1 night game ? Where did you seen them ?
  16. St0ne

    St0ne User

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    Which part dont u understand that newcomers cant farm anything?
    And that makes them drop game after they hit mby 90lv due to ZERO chances to develop toons.
    Nobodys here want anything in 3months.
    And comparing a farming capabilities with 5year ago to now is simply stupid.
    All what pple want is ANY real chance to farm.
    Atm is near ZERO.
    Got it boi?
  17. Negnal

    Negnal User

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    BTW: i like this in patch notes:

    "At the moment Agathion Evolution stone is not available in-game. Developers are looking for alternative ways to obtain this item for our version."

    Oh we all know where it will be available XD :(
    GecKos likes this.
  18. goduole

    goduole User

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    Well there is some ways, i know guy who made 49chars to 97 in exp event made all quests to gain ewr/ear atributes and etc , so in 2 weeks he gained 15-20b ^^ well if u not lazay u still can gain smth , but not all that pacent :D
  19. Karmaniola

    Karmaniola User

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    That's exactly the problem. You shouldn't, in the first place, have to have level up 49 characters to 97 in 2 weeks to make 15b.
  20. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    That's the problem of this game, there's two option : spend thousand euros to catch up, or do something that's more boring than your job. Obviously 90% people play 2 days and quit.
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