i don't think they read this section, they just made it to give the impression that they care .. i made a post in this forum recently and still no reply whatsoever from anyone in the staff, no comment
Fragola said it is "deep inside the site's code and difficult to change'. I heard people thinking about reporting Innova to the authorities, EU has strong regulations on fake advertising.
function(r) { if (t && t.eventHandler && (w = r), x = n, !S) { var i = e.apply(this, arguments); return x = null, i } try { return e.apply(this, arguments) } catch (o) { throw d("autoNotify", !0) && (E.notifyException(o, null, null, "error"), y()), o } finally { x = null } } 5 min for find function lel.
Here is the law article you're infringing : http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n1/jo Now get to work before it really becomes a pain in your *** Edit: here is, in addition, the European legislation http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM:l32010