Don't allow Hax to go on healer , you can't do **** without him being on archer. And it's something huge because once he goes on archer , he is giving you targets , and magically , TH winning pvp. Before that , it was blood bath because you had simply no control on targets. About the situation , I don't know if EN had crystal down or not , but all those death into the siege zone , if crystal were down , are giving you the upper hand , because they can't ress. Where you attackers ?
You have more than one clan , that was basically my question. Then tbh , it doesn't matter where EN dies , it would be smarter to die outside because they could ress , but if they drag you into the siege zone and you die there , you're also unable to ress. So it's really w/e.
point is that inside castle u got that imba mana regen and siege zone defender can also use charm of courage
They didn't use it much this pvp. The turn over was when Hax went on his archer simply. No more pressure on his pt because he was giving the proper targets to underpressure his healers. And well after iLethal video , it's pretty obvious that you got chased meanwhile, and you kited properly.