TH should do same when they lose. It's very ******ed every damm time to hear excuses and a lot of **** every time they lose.
Too bad anxxi had to break the silence and give them excuses and lost their wisdom. Btw its "we" not "they". how come u never had such wisdom : /
Where do you see any excuse ? At least you're quite a good example of T(H)rash Btw , I'm just kind enough to teach you how to be a good boy, this is next level of wisdom , little boy.
Enough , you're not even close to my level. Start wondering why you're so bad at this game and then come back when you will be able to think between pushing 3 buttons. And once again I clowned TH clowns , trying to deny me going off topic , as always. Lethal you are as disable for posting on forum as playing this game , this is something really hard to achieve. P.S : Still 0 excuses from EN side , crybabies from TH meanwhile still QQing about Adich !