Lol, so coz u didnt see him playing like feoh pov, xddd if not remember bad, the last video than i saw him like feoh, for jump in front and back, he did it clicking with mouse XDDDDDDD Apr 26, 2018 Here the proof than i dont lie, same mecanic as playing tank. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
A healer who play on 700 range from his rest party members and his fraps worth same as black screen judging syra , democracy *****
Relax Gordito, dont be mad, just borrow me u gear and i will can fight more close u, with standar gear and brooch lvl 4 its hard vs ppl full stacked, , black screen? really?, u should go to the doctor optical, dude pudding. 5 years? not my fault if it is the last video Feoh pov than u uploaded! . Apr 26, 2018 From that clips, we have also alot!, or i have to show them what u feel when u see at Thetruth close u?