i would say you are koko or averno, but your english is too good for it, so it cant be. so as a (probably) proud TH member, tell us, what drops you got from bosses? any bosses lately. show what end game gear pvp you got? how is it lilith and anakim farm going lately? not so smart people (cant say with other words, cause than chatban coming) always be not so smart people.
Tell us proud slave of TH from your loyality and participation in bosses and events what was your rewards - benefits from your services lilith -tauti ring or just one cookie. For one thing you must be proud you are shareholder of 1% of caster lvl2 and rest dragon weapons. Why you must to spend your time to kill antharas valakas and rest bosses or spend hours to w8 respawn or kite him if you need to make l2store donate your whole gear up? (at least some of the items must be rewards of your services) PS1. If you are proud for how clan leaders thinking for the 95%(which you belong) of his clan good job and good luck PS2. You know without the rest 95% of the clan which dont giva a sh**t the rest 5% are nothing
I dont care if noone pm me , im showing private things only cos they lie and i defend my honor. Im here since start of server 7-8 years and all i have is made with my hard work and i wont let anyone spam things that are false. Is funny read that im bad person for show private things , but is ok to spread false info about ppl just cos mad... nice logic
TH sharing might not be perfect but im still waiting for the name of the cp that rose from random to top thanks to EN clan share.
thats the point. Everyone talking but none seeing that this game is solely about l2store and that clan even farming everything for 1 year cannot gear 1 cp to top
Ironv getting embarassed from syra posts but only thing he can say is Kengaa party. Seems we caused you deep trauma, i hope your wounds will eventually heal.
that's embarassing for me but can be my english is a bit rusty. ps. WTS Valakas thrower fragment freshly farmed.
so he wanted to ask syra about the caster but has to consult with his clan first. Very embarassing. Link fragment, we have buyers
It shouldn't work like this if everyone is actively participating , whole clan should rise in terms of gear. Didn't get any weird distrib in EN while in BA ( comparing what I can ) , there was a formula taking in consideration : activity , capacity and friendship with leadership. Like you could be inactive for month , having one guy which was new in clan being active , but since you were friend with the leader you could expect having lindvior earring or 7s talismans But anyway , Hax is also true that now without L2 Store , you will get stuck at a level which isn't allowing you to compete top gear people.
Well every group is gearing up, it's just way too slow compared to the l2store. And there is 0 group that wasn't already top thanks to donation/nolifing that caught up because their clan helped them. It simply doesn't happen. And no system is 100% fair, leaders make choices, might be because they think it's best for the clan, might be because they are dishonest, there is no way to know for sure anyway.
i wouldnt be surprised if these screens are even photoshoped or whatever, this abomination seeks attention more than me anxi and snowy together(which is alot) and is ready to do whatever to get it PS: i still remember that u promised me that you will not join TH if i am not ok with it, do you have screenshot?