Hello everyone! Do you want to know about the team's plan? Well, we have prepared the calendar of events in October and November. Please, pay attention, this plan is preliminary, so some events or dates might be rescheduled or even canceled without advance warning. Also, there is not information about future offers. EventDateShort DescriptionVoting for server name (stage 1)October 9~15The new server of Lineage II Europe will open its doors soon. It’s time to take a serious and difficult step: give your vote for the name of the future server. https://4ga.me/2ycJ80TVoting for server name (stage 2) October 15~18After whom will the new server be named? You choose.Red LibraOctober 24 ~ November 7Red Libra Squad will pamper us with the second visit this year. Go to the main square of Giran to find out from merchants what rare goods they have brought from overseas.Start of the new serverOctober 24 Good news for those of you, who want to start to play L2 from the ground up on the new server! https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/659322/ Drink tea with lemon and ginger, dress warmer and do not get sick!!
lmao tagging the voting as event xD Might aswell name the thread "Red Libra Start Date" Sometimes I think Innova likes to clown their users )
Voting server name as event hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha Drink tea with lemon and ginger, dress warmer and do not get sick!! We gettign sick from yuor post
Worst L2 Service EVER!!!! especially after CM FRAGOLIA left the innova team have the worst communication with the players.
calendar of events in October and November--------- SO ...WHERE is the EVENTS(means more then 1)?...cuz in that calendar i see only 1 event...RedLibra...
Amen to that. And when they do communicate, is to issue threats instead of fixing the bugs. As for the events, good job avoiding fishing once again. Also, lotsa Halloween as the picture shows. Oh, wait, the church and Putin forbade it...
Ahh not only that but the <<events >> may cancel .. so maybe no new server??? or no voting ....What age are the innova team nowdays ..eleven ,twelve? and where is november plans?
Why here is "Start of new server" in this server's event's list? It's a hint. This and new server will be merged later.
And what about Halloween event planning on October: October: Red Libra Halloween spirit event (appearance) November: Still Red Libra I don't see any
No l2store events? Sad...we need more l2store events please, also higher prices, because market is flooded with l2store items
No one cares about these promos anyways, that's why they open new server, income is low . #stopfeedingthem
Actually they opened server to compete with ncwest, but people are already compaining that its another p2w fiesta with Vip packages and other ****. I mean when they do live patchnotes review and introduction and start with l2store vip package you know its going to be **** and its all about money