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List of Tarot awards for the Tiat server

Discussion in '2018' started by Yumi, Oct 19, 2018.

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  1. panini

    panini User

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    this is just, so true. they are not smart, but they proove it already a lot of times. deal with it...

    somewhere i read it.. it have the reason. it is because if you want to reroll (because an another class will be OP or you just bored) to spend more $$$$$.
    it is korean business plan... again, have to deal with it.
    i am not saying it would be better if you could trade all this s****... but.. not gonna happen.
  2. xLeax

    xLeax User

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    I know ur right there

    In a perfect scenario if they would get an EU Manager with somewhat of a brain he would Adopt the Game to European playstyle and euro prices ( u cant compare Koreans with europeans , in Korea if u are a Computergame champion u are comparable with a Football star here )
    Europeans want to play Casually , means 2-4 hours per day ( most of them ) and still be able to reach atleast the lower ground of Endgame without selling their Kidney, their house and their car .
    They prove themself already a few times that their business modell is bad, but yet they refuse to listen to the Players voice, and the Excuses are - we cant do anything about it, or Forum only shows the voice of a few Players ( they act like we have 20k players here lol) if we have 100 people active in forum, id say this is 30% of the Server lol
    panini likes this.
  3. panini

    panini User

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    agree with you ... but we know innova.. we know what and how they doing things here.
    (no worry, soon will be a GM event.. finding some chests at random places, because, that is what we need, problems solved!)

    the bold one.. is thetruth here.. and still the server is not full empty, so why they should care? they got money from people, it is all what they need.
    xLeax likes this.
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