How are you doing, my best community? I have a proposition for you. The first siege after the recent server merge (and the last before the global update) will take place on Sunday, August 4th, at 20:00 CEST. If you are not going to take part in it, you should see that with your own eyes! Come and watch on the channel: Yul Trickster from TheHorde clan will show you how to fight like true lineagers. That reason isn't enough to convince you!? Well, what if I say, that you have a chance to win promo codes with a premium account? Because there will be a raffle. Take notes: Stream. Siege. At 20 p.m. See ya!
I've been here for a minute now, and i have no idea whats the logic behind you. They DO promote her stream, check the discord. In the announcements, in the stream bot channel. Yotaperm, senbry and 2 more, but cant remember the namez