Hi How people are farming adena at this time? When I played, a few years back. Many players farmed zaken, freya and etc with boxes, and olympiad with boxes. Is this farm with boxes is still a thing?
The l2store button mainly. Or wait for the herd of "no I farm my Adena, w/o paying" come tell you you can farm afk 24/7 50b per day. All you need is some gear and 5 PA accs. Now you can't do zaken/Freya unless you find enough like minded ppl. You can't farm oly, well.. You can buy you need 100lvl to do so. You can't rly farm Pavel, it's locked down by 2-3 on afk macro, maybe gog is an option but you will need few chars cuz one of the mobs do **** load of dmg. Only option that may earn you something is the dim gap and crack? The 95+ and 100+ daily in aden. You can do them with Paulina fairly easy, if you get lucky to get key is nice too. But other than that nothing is that profitable, next update they will make dragon weapons craftable w/o mats, so that will hit Pavels and LoC.
U rly think that ppl from pavels sell mats to ppl?) When i were in pavels we sold mats by shop price bcs our friend need that. Other resources sold i shop) that will be painful for archaic laboratory, loc, planderous) next update will be painfull for ppl who farm att bcs that will be deleted.