Hello every1. Reading on various forums people are looking for some information about the server. Any approximate dates? We have the end of September, and according to the site the start is planned for half of October so it's less like a month to start and we don't know the server details. When can we expect some patch note or some more information? Best Regards Zaqsu
"" we can answer this question more specifically! The grand opening of Lineage 2 Essence is planned on the 2nd of October 2019. Moreover, you can preload the game right now. Don't postpone the installing the game until the release day. Who knows how much time it will be required to download and install the game on your computer (btw, the size is big). And this short instruction will help you to do it.""
And its also written in Announcement section. But idk what's going on- i cant see this forum when im logged, but i can see when i log off