Any guesses around online here? It doesn't seem there are a lot of active forum users so far and with a server opening in a week i'd love to hear some speculations about potential online here.
There is gonna be alot of tricksters on spots and pretty high online until the time when the price of l-coins chest will be higher than amount of adena you get from your tricksters to buy this chest in reasonable period of time, cause you can't play without it. Ive played on ru servers, and i think, if l-shop prices is gonna be same, when l-coins 8k chest will be higher then 40 kk adena per 1 chest - 50% of online will be disappeared slowly. After 60 kk - another 40%.
If playing on essence is dependable on making alt --> to farm adena--> to buy chest --> to have adena available on drop--> or donate ---> 0 point of playing but will see. Hope it will be some mid rate pvp server, if not tell me 1 good reason to play here at all more than few days
making alt > to farm adena everyday until your everyday's gift will not ended > for have adena on your main character > for buy a chest > to spend l-coins on sayha bottles and soulshots/spirit ores if you want to play a little bit more then 1 hour per day. After 1 month you will have no money for your armor/weapons/accessories upgrade. After 2-3 months you will have no money for your sayha bottles even with your 10005000 trickster alt's.
So in one to two months, the server will be dead...anyway we dont have something to lose ,If if it will be like this , we will just leave.
A start of ru servers was pretty fun. Alot of characters running by each other and killing same monsters. Hundrets stupid PK's. I even tried to make adena on market trying to spoil keys and craft PL set and BW parts. but it was another patch. Economic system still was not deleted, there was no revenge system, and HP/MP regeneration buffs was good.
That is L2. Online at beginning will be high. But when I read how it looks on RU it will die pretty fast.
EU version will be different than RUSSIAN version. Don't count on people opinion without even see the real result - LIVE version. There will be always cry me a river people which flame on Pay To Win server which was as well told about Classic, H5, Interlude and so on. There is always a solution to any problem as long you want to do it. Of course we live in a ERA of high technologies and we are not playing anymore Super Mario and Diablo. If someone don't have 10$ to invest a month this is a personal problem and have nothing to do with 4game strategy, keeping the server alive and paying salaries to the stuff involved in the project. Get real and start to understand how the things are working. Or just go play something else that won't charge you a penny. Have a nice day.
a day you mean? Looks like you dont know how essence is working. Just remind you, here you can buy everything in shop. absolutely everything. And there is nothing what you can get in game via just playing if you're not in top side. Really, forgot about market, forgot about crafting. You can get only adena from your alt tricksters to spend it for sayha bottles and starting gear like karmian set+4 / demon staff +7 on market.
Call BS. L2E encourages you to gather together and organize. All A grade comes from RB and that you can't buy in the store. Don't forget that in the store from start you can buy C grade only and after 2 month they brought in B grade when lots of people were wearing A grade. Also classic enhancement system when you turn overenchanted C grade to B grade and C grade you can craft. So sto this BS and scare people if you were owned on Ru L2E/
What kind of RB are you talking about? Lets take a look on DC robe set. (i know, sets in essence isnt working, anyway) robe: Rb Drop Chances - lower than 3 % (srsly?) on high lvls and about 4-5 on epics. crafting - key chances drop 0,01% in ****hole of ToI were nobody cant even try to Exp. donate - every week they have an event with lootboxes with A armor parts in it. On july's event was a big soldout on market. A items was everywhere. helmet: Rb Drop Chances - lower than 3% on high lvls. Again crafting - key chances drop 0,01% in ****hole of ToI were nobody cant even try to Exp. donate - same as robe boots, gauntlets - same as robe and helmet There is no other way to get A armor, except random craft(even worse than casino) and donate. Almost all A armor items in Ru-servers - Donate. it's not working on essence since august update. Wake up bro. wake up neo, you obosralsya. They added B grade before somebody get any A grade items. And it was BEFORE augusts patch, when droprates and spoilrates on keys wasn't good, but not terrible. It was right with patch from july 2 (do not rebember correct date, early july). Yeah. But on EU you will have B grade in l-shop from start, im pretty sure on 100%. Cause there is no in-game ways to get this items, just like A grade. Almost same rates as A grade. No Exchange system, low rates in drop full parts and keys.
I''m not obosralsya - i just left on vacay before August patch. I just remember first several months. i stopped playing when A parts just stated hitting the market. I also doubt they will put B grade from start - waiting to see patch notes tomorrow. Even with 3% RB drop rate first A set appeared within a month - you didnt see other sets cuz iConsul was RMTing most of those items on a well known website. I also hope there will be very few russian players here as L2E idea is great but Ru community has a habbit of ruining everything
Most of those items? How much? 5? 10? Even 10 items its nothing. You will not get that much via Rb, if you have these rates. Especially now