I would like to thank clan Pride for over a month of terrible politics, mindless PK of innocent people and for their behavior that turned against them today at siege. Over 70 mercenaries helped XT (thank you for that!) and our allies to fight Russian side, which gathered like 15 mercenaries (lmao). Thanks to Racoony and Chappieba - you destroyed yourselves from the inside. Turns out we didn't need a snitch to make u collapse. You are nothing but red carpets here, and on carpets we rise!
So been pk'd a gazillion times today, its a shame each toon doesnt get a count on this game window, so AnimePower (the HERO) 5 times at posting of this, Requiem 4 times, and these people wonder why they lost at siege, do they really think this will gain them allies, these pks started after siege!!! LOL you really are buffoons, you can PK me all day, its a game I DONT CARE!! know this. I will never buy your adena, I will kill your farmers, and I will never side with you at sieges..................GL getting a castle coz you pissed off the server this afternoon!
If u want to piss off Pride - kill all arbas in Patriots Necropolis over and over. It's all pride adena sellers. You can kill them 5 times per hour 24/7.
Dhol, You should understand that most of the pride players are from Ukraine. Please stop constantly saying that you have bent Russia. As you can see, your alliance have a lot of Russian-speaking players. And oddly enough, normal players. So, call a spade a spade. Pride is just a clan, mostly with Ukrainians who speak Russian. And stop trashtalk in global chat about countries and nationality. Its looks pathetic... Enjoy the game, and look forward to a merger to join the battle with the tribunal and all RED server. Gl.
Where have I talked anything insulting about their nationality? I call them Russian speaking side and that's it, I don't think there's anything insulting about it. And fyi, they are the one constantly speaking racist things about other countries on hero chat, they are getting chat bans constantly. So crawl back to your red cave and move on.
Then you should know it's not about where Prides are from, but how they behave. I played years on official Russian servers, I work with Russian/Ukrainian people, I have absolutely nothing against them. I don't like Prides for their actions, not their nationality. As for the tax - reward from siege was to make up for it. We gave 180kk adena to split over mercenaries. Around 30 ppl showed up, some got really nice amounts, a few kk for the best ones. Also the tax would be split over all clans in ally, so we basically take Pride adena
This says it all really, threatening a server, because you lost at siege? all this will Pk'ing will do is anger ppl to be against you even more, laughable, how old are the real people behind "PRIDE"??
That is why we play on a European server with the Europeans. In this case, with you, against Pride Nov 25, 2019 no matter how old they are, typical golden boys with a huge list of inferiorities
Better reply ever in the l2 history now open the hero tab write down the nicks whoever is on that list has a serious mental trouble because he needs to compensate in a virtual world how much he does suc k in the real one.
Dude, take a long look at yourself. You writing about mental issues is like alcohol addict making a laugh out of drug addict.
we dont sell adena, we have +5-7 belts, and k.o +6-8 all donate items, we fight with Polish and k.o clans with 15-20 members from start server, you play 60-100 and cry and cry again, stop this ****, its only game, we love fun, stop crying and go fight. (C) meggi. i can give you screen, when you dhol say pm me "pls dont kill me, i only exp. disgrace, more crying.
sure, thats top fun on EU server when u are unable to speak any basic English. Serious question - why can`t u have fun on your own RU server?