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Enchant Chance

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by MiyakoBD, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. Leckter

    Leckter User

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    That was none of those. You missed the point.
    You were the one posting about binomial distribution, so I considered that you actually knew about it. With that consideration, you were obviously trolling and describing an imaginary situation. That was my stance (can be right, or not, I don't care, though, if you posted about binomial and yet really believed about that 100% chance, then yeah, I may want to consider insulting you, and that would be well deserved).

    Anyway, I considered your post as a troll post. That said, I will quote myself again :
    "And this, my friends, is the reason why this game became what it is now. Monkeys paying no matter what, with no ability to connect 2 brain cells..."
    This came from a solid background and experience from Essence (as well as life, to an extent). Many people warned about the heavy pay to win, about the PK's, about what Essence actually is. And yet, people keep complaining, beeing surprised by how it is. While it was all crystal clear before it even came to Europe. No rocket science, russia had it before, and we know we would have the same.
    People believe what they want nowadays, without thinking, without double checking info, without digging by themselves, without learning. They just go with their emotions without control.

    Some dude post a formula, saying with 2 belts you have 100% (might be true, or not, doesn't matter). The experienced way of thinking should be :
    1) Who is that guy, can I trust what he writes ? What's his background
    2) Is that really plausible ? Step 1 is 60%, second step is 40%. Does that 100% make sense ?!?!
    3) Is there a second point of view from someone else ? So that I can compare and adjust
    4) Did I already experienced something like that and got pwned hard ? I don't want to get ****** again...
    5) Is it really worth it ?
    Should be. Should. Because it barely happens nowadays (L2, real life, all the same).

    You can realize it, or you don't, I don't really care to be honest. But what I mentioned and despise to my heart, is our reality. Where smart people get all the wealth while the monkeys get milked (or "random example" : smart people sell pixels aka air, and monkeys still pay even frustrated). If people could connect those 2 brain cells at the bare minimum, our system would have to evolve, but most probably would just collapse.
    I'm not puting anyone in any of the "smart" or "monkeys" categories. I'm not insulting nor telling I'm superior, I could very well consider myself as a monkey in that system. But I thought about it, did you ? Because this is how it is.

    Hope you will like the developped version.
    DapperBae likes this.
  2. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    To me spending even 50 € on something that doesn't boost up your exp/sp gain it's pure nonsense

    Look on red server
    an archmage with c grade can pk everyone only because it's lvl 83
    yeah he spent more than 10k on that toon but still it's the only lvl 83 in the server so he could kill anyone anyway

    that beeing said lets take the dragon belt as an example
    a lvl 5 gives to you +4 stat points on everything
    1st problem lets say you are an archer so what do you do with +4 men or int
    2nd problem with the death knight update there will be a new stat the charisma or cha so you've just oe a bugged item

    now lets consider what you can do with those 100 € = 3 lvls from 76 to 79
    still 3 stat points instead of 4 but nonetheless you will have to spend 200 € to get where i will be in 2 days while
    i've spent only 60 due to the aden +7
    IF ikiosuke and ginto will allow to you to get to 77 first.
  3. BaeSir

    BaeSir User

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    Thanks for explaining. You are correct, i was "trolling" with my fake senario, i dont think i have had my dragon belt +0 failed 4 times in a row. But i have had B-grade weapens failed 4 times in a row first try from +4.

    My goal was to give an example in which maybe the author of this thread can rethink about his theory and see the difference in calculating the odd of success for 1 item compared to the odds of atleast x amount of succeeds in y amount of tries.

    I agree with you about the the nature of these kind of games, i have been playing a mobile game for a while where i use to spend a few hundrad euros a month. Now i have stopped spending and i see some of my clan mates who are fully indepedent and intelligent adults who spends thousands of dollars on the game every month.

    I see Essence definitly takes a closer approach to those kind of mobile games considering it is already kinda of a mobile game in Korea.
    I find myself addicted to the gambling process sometimes, especially when i am enchanting items. I do think about it all the time and try to maintain a moderate spending plan and not end up going broke. I am lucky to live and work in a country where the wages are relatively high aswell, i understand not everybody is fortunate enough.

    There is definitly a greyzone in the ethics of the gaming industry in recent years where many bussiness and individuals has profited on the gambling addiction/self-control issues of people, especially young adults. I am glad many companies are required now to disclose the % in lootbox alike items, but it is still far from perfect as someone with a credit card can still spend their whole saving in one evening.

    Thanks again for the explanation i am gonna write a post about whether Innova are legally obliged to disclose the % in boxes like Sayhas blessings chest. If you have any information on the legal side on this, please sent it to me or post it on forum. I think this will definitly help the players :)
    Leckter likes this.
  4. Talismann

    Talismann User

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    Damn, this topic goes to a next level - This sheet was not to be used as a guide, but to theorise how much someone would need to spend to achieve 4game based given information, which can be found here: https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/667451/
    DapperBae likes this.
  5. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    @DapperBae i've talked about this on page 2
    a brand new 2019-2020 videogame last generation which runs only on nasa computers it's 59 € or 60 smthg $
    in here you have to spend almost 40 € x day on boosts to keep lvling up
    so it's pretty obvious what we are talking about
    since 2014 lineage 2 it's entirely based on exploiting some others' gambling addiction
    so i've talked about online casinos the only companies which are enforced by the law to publish the winning %
    the only thing we, as customers of an online casino, can do it's to have some fun spending as less as we can possibly do
    and to speak about oe a belt to + 5 after i posted a video
    of somesay miserably failing to achieve that objective after spending more than 100 €
    goes in the opposite direction aka spend as more as you can and this it's just insane
    to me.

    About the laws you mentioned there isn't atm a unique European Union law
    but as many laws as the countries from EU
    so to sell its product eg in belgium innova has to comply to the belgium rules
    then the french ones then the german ones
    ofc all of them enforce innova to publish those % but as you understand they are doing it only partially
    because the loot boxes are still there.

    If you are interested to know how this can happen it's pretty simple
    the loot boxes are on sale only for a short amount of time
    so before any autority can ask to innova to show something
    those loot boxes aren't in the store anymore.

    Also since 2014 lineage 2 it's based on a second exploit far way worst than the first one
    everyone in the world has irl problems some little some bigger
    the bigger your irl problems are the more you are tempted to spend more time in a virtual
    world and to spend more time you will need more money
    Who is atm hero doesn't have any real life by definition, same goes for whoever does a
    siege on sunday 20.00 p.m.
    At that time your gf or wife wants to go outside so whoever is an hero or does sieges
    doesn't have nor a wife nor a gf, aka it's the biggest looser on planet earth

    So yeah two exploits combined

    My suggestion
    purchase an item that boosts your exp and this depends on your pocket
    from time to time spend something on events

    Last but not least, and this it's really my last post in here, you can't say to us
    we already knew what l2 essence eu could be
    no one in the world, knowing that the russians already had 4 servers, not 1 not
    2 not 3 but 4, could have swarmed two european servers for a month just to
    pk everyone on sight causing a tremendous loss to every single european player
    in terms of euros. None of us could possibly imagine that the company running
    this business, a russian company, could allow that kind of actions which damaged
    every single customer.
    So yeah it's like coca cola giving its recipe to pepsi for free.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
    DapperBae likes this.
  6. Thunderbuild

    Thunderbuild User

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    I think you missed my first sentence. I'm not saying his mathematical conclusions are correct. I specifically said that the 100% conclusion is in error. I'm just saying that, absent modifiers, mathematics does apply here. I actually appreciate the effort to do the calculations. We can draw our own conclusions. Try being more positive and not so dismissive.
  7. Leckter

    Leckter User

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    Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, I can. It was obvious how it would be, and many ppl told it way before it actually happened.
    1) Innova is Innova, EU or RU, still the same management. Only difference is the price.
    2) Core, Lilith, Ramona, Tiat, Skelth, Blue, Red. Allways the same story, repeating again and again, but people never learn, or don't understand, or both. As long as there is a new server, there is a penny to be made, and so it allways attracts the same unwanted population.

    Saying that you didn't know, just show how clueless you are, because of lack of self information, or just because you believe what you want and live in your own little world.

    Took me 2 min of research (I remember about more eloquent posts, but lazy to find them, and not even needed) :

    Some nice quotes from those 2 posts only, before launch :

    "Lineage2 essence is a p2w game as far as I know.. "
    "its already failed, dunno even where they find ppl who will start play here "
    "I hope russian zerg..."
    "Its p2w by design lol :D dont expect anything else, u can check how look ru essence, same will be here "
    "Essence is designed to be heavy l2store this is all about this kind of server dont even dream about subscription based, it will be free2play limited to 1-2 accounts heavy l2store "
    "THE GAME BECAME “DRIVES TO PLAY” the cost of the games per day, it was about 6-8 dollars"
    "those who spent more than $ 5,000 on the game, and those who did not donate, sat in the 60+ catacombs, died every 30 minutes from the PlayKillers raid"
    "was lost for 1 murder, and we plowed a lot and often " (traduction PK happen a lot and often)
    "You will leave the characters on a cyclical macro, but your character will be killed in 2 hours"
    "I am writing what I saw on the Gray and White Server."
    "in Asian servers, and Russian servers, and they will be in European server... Prepare your wallet. "

    Special mention for xHaseo :
    "I hope they'll get IP Blocked from life. They are the main reason why every l2 server fails.
    Hate aside, i hope they'll lock down Russians and Chinese IPs, but in the end, they'll find a way to bypass it and play."

    So yeah...
    Because you chose to put your head deep down in the sand, doesn't mean you could not know. Thank you for confirming once again, that in your case, you definitely belong to the monkey family...
  8. SK111

    SK111 Banned

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    Sorry Lecter but you are completely wrong
    I played on core and ramona
    never happened more than 2k russian ppl logged in just to pk everyone from lvl 1 to lvl 70
    i played on ncwest both live and classic
    never happened that more than 2k russian ppl logged in just to pk everyone

    We can talk about bots, and that's ok, we can talk about farmers, that's ok
    it was like all the mental hospitals in russia allowed to all the russian scum to log in on l2 essence eu
    the only purpose that russian scum had it was to destroy all the europeans and brazilians in game experience
    not do gain adena or objects to re-sell for real money
    it was just to hurt some one else pocket
    no more no less

    Not only innova allowed to all that russian scum to log in on 2 wanna be pvp servers
    making em full pk servers, and on this the european guys who are now on top of the rankings
    are just the same because mentally sick, but sold to us the blessing of the plenty no one
    could really use

    Now you can tell me ncwest scammed all of its customers everytime
    i never heard before innova scammed all of its customers
    but it happened.

    That beeing said to all the ones who want to begin to play l2 essence eu
    or to the ones who just want to reroll
    do it on blue server
    because red, after the russian farmers leaved, it's a full pk 24/7 server.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  9. Leckter

    Leckter User

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    Obviously, PK is a new thing from essence, because there were penalties in other projects, you monkey. So can't just compare that. Also keep bringing 2k figures from your ***. Also, why do you bring NCwest in but conveniently forget Skelth ?

    Essence was exactly what it was announced (Half is not even coming from Innova loul). Level up faster than classic, don't need box, free to play, heavy p2w, no block for anyone, and pk festival.
    The rest is just the result of your fantasy because you understand what you want as a child would do. Noone got scammed, you got what was planned from long time. Cf my previous post that you failed to read.

    Your whole argue is basically "you're completely wrong", in every single of your obsessed posts. While I brought you links, quotes, facts, you just come and spit nonsense with figures out of subject and from your ***.
    For real, are you a bot spamming random stuff automatically ?
  10. Talismann

    Talismann User

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    Guys, tested it yesterday with aden talismans - it did not work - Mod you can remove the topic
  11. Machinae

    Machinae User

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    Number crunching over enchant rates has always baffled me personally, every click is RNG no matter how much you buy at the same time or how many items you enchant to X stage before, that particular click with a 10% chance doesn't care if you just burned 100 items or 1, that particular click is always a 90% failure.
  12. iApache

    iApache User

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    What a surprise! :D

    Ofc but doing several time something with a 10% chance is different from doing it one time