hi after tauti update some of our skill changed a little bit, after reading patch : scorpion poison - block magic: added reduced speed effect. the mirror image created by using the clone attack skill will now automatically disappear when the battle is finished. scorpion poison - block magic: added reduced speed effect: is the block magic an effect like silence? if yes anyone seen it work ?, and is the reduced speed realy working cause dont see any change ig the mirror image created by using the clone attack skill will now automatically disappear when the battle is finished. :can someone explain me the meaning of this ? and the change from befor update ?
scorpion poison - block magic is at lvl 95+ and it is like silence "when the battle is finished" i think means for duels
ty tcetso , for scorpion poison does it trigger a lot or its just a usless add ? ( the silence effect )
it works but only on normal hits,we play tauti and now you have 4 blows,so you don't have time to use just normal hits in pvp .. maybe vs mage it will be cool,but actually with clone attack they are on 3-4 blows xd
ty everyone , one last thing , are u like me thinking poison zone is a pain in the a.s to use , it make u bug when u try to use it in middle of fighting i think the skill is not mean to be an assassin skill (zone skill) and last only 2 or 3 sec on mobs when it land ...
there is now 2 kind of dagger : dex dagger on single + high burst on crit str dagger on dual + sustained dps with high proc rate on passives buffs. its globally same dps, depends on how you build it.
in theory, half kill is a static value that not change with anything. thr skill that have the effect "lethal strike" have a static % and cant be increased by anything.
hmmm, i always thought it's icreased by crit rate, but i can deal with it. then solo dagger will be kinda unseless than other one,cuz p atk is much important for dagger skills. except that if single dagger depends sucsess rate of the skills(and im not sure for this)
single dagger have a higher land rate, but dual dagger hits more (and do 2 half kill roll on each comp). => potentially moar crit resulting in higher burst capability half kill rate is static and the rate is different on every skills. => potentially moar chance on half kill but less crits so on one side you have more crit, more land rates, less blow, higher burst and on the other side you have more passive skills proc due to more blows but less crit. do your choice !