Please give me any tips regarding sayha and soulshots without donating or paying ridiculous amounts of adena. So far I do not farm more than i spend on soulshots and sayha is that normal? This means everyone needs to donate here since you cant make more from farm than you are spending. WTF Or I am missing something how to get sayha for low price
-Solo boss can drop a potion that reduce sayha comsuption -PI reduces sayha comsuption -Do not use sayha storm buff when you are low on SG -The letters event give quite a few SS tickets and sayha blessing -The new laki laki event also gives SS tickets and sayha blessing -Do the transcendental dungeon daily quest -Drink 10 sayha blessing a day to get the daily mission that gives cookies and SS tickets That's pretty much it. I never run out of SS or sayha doing these steps tho I have bought the starter pack and growth kit.
mate, if you know nothing and looking for answers don't make dumb statements like this. It's missleading.
No. For the solo boss open the map and look for green "bubbles" of your lv range, be prepared some are quite tough. Dec 26, 2019 FYI there's a free daily pack and valakas pack from the store.
No, its not for donators. Look for the NPC in front of the Aden church, you will get an fortune box item, double click it and you will receive a buff. After 1h when it ends you will receive another item, double click it and you will receive 20 SS tickets. You can also buy 10 Sayha's blessing and use all of them to receive a reward which gives more SS tickets.
free to play is now easier than ever man! You should have seen the game pre DK update, it was a nightmare. lakfi and letters event give ss, a ton actually. Do all daily missions. You can buy for adena in lcoin store for big discount with a daily limit then if u need more just buy from grocery. The limited sayha for 30days cost 2000 lcoins and is pretty good. You will save up sayha for the next month. The game is now as cheap as its ever going to be. Free to play is actually for the first time possible.