And didn’t you think that you are getting PK because you are in the clan Paraiso/Parasio/Para... It is because of this that you die. You joined the Pride alliance and you think easy, without acception of war can you afk-exping? Of course you’re not killing anyone because you’re afraid of the automatic outbreak of war
See? That was sooo easy to understand. It's quite easy to solve the problem : quit the ally and none will PK ur clan again. Even cause Prides are just back PKing the randoms (For some reason they hate Sunrise ally cause they like to PVE, so they pk them, ok.) and losing all the fights. But that never changed actually. Demokratais left ur ally, you guys should do the same and leave Prides to just die for good.
No, i didn't. I was actually quoting you like "See? This guy got the point!" and the rest was for Deus ^^
Which kind of pvp/rb/siege you guys do if you die/bsoe all the time? Requiem and Chappi can't kill ginebra, requiem bsoe all the time when he's ganked and he can't find AFKs, lol.
Isnt that basically extortion which is probably against the rules, if players are demanding adena, and in some cases lcoin, a real world transaction to not get pk'd then why arent they getting banned? Wondering why the population is low, its because of these idiots, and a lack of promotion in western europe, but then again who wants to play a game when the mentality of some players is this? Submit tickets everytime you see these hero shouts and other shouts for adena or Lcoin for safe gameplay @Artchem
Even if you are playing that's not helping so much, "its" coming on hide to stab (and like me i'm for 2 hit's, but most of people also) and few shots from Requiem/Doter, that i'm not able to even click BSOE
Most ppl who are being pk'd are way below their level so its a non-contest easy kill, wow awesome players!
You guys know there is a buff than players 10 and more lvls above you cant touch ya? If you are really low lvls and they abuse you, use this buff and be safe. Also its normal that for top farm areas you need to fight, if you dont wanna fight, go some places there isnt teleport, mostly underground to catacombs or necropolis.
This attitude was always the same since day 1 of Pride...this was the reason behind the creation of our old "zerg", to stop Pride to do as they pleased. Anyway, now that he was able to bot (spoiler for those who didn't know : in Patriot necropolis you can find Pride's bots farming adena that they will later on sell or use to buy items, Helldered or hellrider, i don't remember the name, is a bot BP of Requiem. If you want to get them mad, go down, PK the bots with an alt and when the BP log, pk that as well.) up to lv 84, he feel confident he can do as he please...but it happened already once, people got to his level and he was forced to stop bullying people in order to XP. The story will repeat itself. He will PK for a few days, then people against him will get closer and he will get rekt again, so he will stop doing that in order to gain advantage again. Just don't let him. He can't afk at all, last time he did, he died after 5 mins and was left there for hours and hours. Anyway, since that guy is probably using programs in order to lunch more boxes at once (that is not allowed by rules) and since he's spamming RU in chat (even with that...symbols they have), you can go and mass report him. Not sure eh, but maybe 50-100+ petitions pointing out the issues MIGHT do something. Or not. But i mean, crying in forum wont solve stuffs at all, so at least try to redirect the tears where they are suppose to belong : petitions.
This is what happens when you give a mastercard to a 10 y.o. kid who watch Naruto. Don't be a Its, play carefully.
lol you stupid? req,its and chappy kill 30 swarms easy,we take with 10 ppl baium etc vs swarms and avarice
It's funny, you call me stupid but you're even worse. Check the date of the message you quoted. And beside that, who are you? Requiem is now 84, and he got enough gear such as epics lv 3 and baium talisman NOW. Back when i wrote that message, Requeim didn't had any of those advantages. He was like 81-82, with the +10/12 or w/e B grade weapon and without baium. Bsoeing all the time from ginebra any time he was engaged. I don't know how's the situation now, i don't even care anymore. Chappieba was depressed after update cause he was unable to kill **** since his dmg was gone and Its was just bsoeing and running from almost all his opponents (as much as he likes to lie about it, he was running. At least, from me, so idk about others). And actually i'd like to see those words with facts. Last time i saw a pvp avarice+swarm vs pride, Pride won. Then for some reason Its started shouting they won against 90+ swarm/ava/vietnam zerg...? When they were pretty much on a fair 15-15 or 15-20, something like that. Those guys are indeed strong, don't get me wrong, and with Style new awesome pvp style named "Let me steal my clan members buff to join fights" (he got ogre+hawk totem from tyrant, power+soul from doombringer, freezing skin from sps and dwarf buff from dwarf) they are even a lil more strong now. Chapeau tho for the idea of stealing own clan members buffs! Maybe it's a trick used by all soulhounds eh, no idea, but still.