I have no idea what those events lately bring to game.. u getting 1500 30% exp scrolls in 3 days of farm. U can't sell em, trade em, keep em for later.. cos they simply delete after event - so for what u actually put it as reward? Everyone struggling for storms? lets put grownth scroll as reward for everything!! u log in? u get grownth scroll! u kill mob? grownth scroll! u say hi? grownth scroll! Everything vomits with this srolls.. like there is no other items that u can put as reward that can actually do some diference.. naaaaah why? if u can put those for shytload of euro basically u made afk game and putting in it events to "get ppl more active and farm manually" but the rewards are that LOL so they keep afking. In every version of this game there was 2 groups of ppl those who donating and those who farming hard to catch up w/o donations.. i have a feeling now its totally whatever if i will be manually farming hard for 3 months everyday 14h i wont get anything exactly nothing as reward cos grownth scroll which deletes after event is not reward for me. Orc dropping adena on ground while u hit.. u need bring box then to keep the pick up cos gipsies comming just to get adena. Like couldnt it be dropping to your inventory every hit like golden leafs from PI pig.. Also... I kinda think it is not that who do most dmg win top price... its who last hit win best price Sometimes reward getting ppl which dont really do much dmg.. but still this is better if its last hit then more ppl have chance.. Cos there is some donated ppl that u will never ever outdamage so im asking is this event made for them? because on pk/pvp server putting a raid out of town for "everyone" makes no sense since u must do a 30ppl cc to participate the event for 2 sayha storms. otherwise u gets killed by war or u simply get pked. I really have feeling devs of this game having 0 imaginations..
If the one doing most damage gets top prize then top players will be at a tremendous advantage and game would easily turn to ****s like whats happening in ncsoft side of this game. Things done here are far better.
then event describtion is wrong cos there is said "most damage" The name of the top contributor who dealt the most damage to the Huge Orc will be displayed in the reward NPC's title. This character will receive the main prize.