if i got the free valakas neck, is it stuck on the char i accepted it on or can i move it to another toon?
The technical support could answer to my questions in my first post here in Essence forum,but for unknown reasons,it wont.
generally no, you should wait till next event that would allow to do this. although you can always ask for this in Technical Support https://eu.4gamesupport.com you could always ask here, cuz i am subscribed only to this topic. i try to reply as soon as i see post tho. seems like i should say "i am sorry" to you for not replying too fast.
No problemo. Next time i have a question,and i have lots as i go playing the game,i post here Mar 3, 2021 Edit: Well there are new questions,and,for not open a new thread,i question here. Here are the questions: How many Giran Seals i can get by buying a Giran Seal pack for 200 NCoins??? Is random??? Or are fixed numbers??? Also,if i exchange Giran Seals via Special Craft for get a grade A weapon,the chances are 100 x 100 sure to get the weapon or i will lose the Seals???? Tyvm.
Sad,i want 100 x 100 sure items,not random,i have limited cash to spend,i am not central european bank. That is what Innova does not understand. And not only me say that,every player says. Ok tyvm for the help,if i have another question,i post here.
Hello! I bought a 20 e pack with L-coins and can't receive them in the game assistent, im clicking receive and nothing happens, what can be the case? Thank you