With the opening of CBT comes an important task that we ask the community to help us with, finding bugs! Do your part in making the server the best it can be and if you see anything that looks wrong, buggy, glitchy or weird, send it here. Please don’t forget to describe the error in the best way you can and preferably attach a screenshot too.
Since people are spamming in discord again, i will post it here. You can't resize the inventory window on euRO, I tested it and it works like a charme on ruRO. The reason: You wrote full words (G E A R and so on) instead of I/G/E/F or 1/2/3/4.
Have you tried to change the location? There are 5 different locations with different monsters. The NPC is next to the NPC where you can sell your loot
There is a bug with the NPC Gloria on the map prt_monk. She is saying that she will port to Prontera, but she is porting to Payon.
1. This "animal skin" doesn't disappear in the Payon Forest. 2. Wooden Mail (1) Jobs: Swordman and + (Merchant Classes) -->should be added on wooden mail's description.
some of the priest skill descriptions seem wrong too. suffragium and imposito manus are casts now and both are castet for the entire party and not on a targeted player. both also work on the priest unlike the description of suffragium tells us.
and another one: if you target a monster with a skill, while there is loot on the ground, the little circle on your mouse cursor changes to the loot animation (the grabbing hand). you are pretty much unable to skill-spam monsters if there is any loot on the ground - pretty annoying if you ask me and I don't remember that at all on any official server I played in the past. oh and I'm not talking about the "Snap" function btw.
Homunculus greift trotz AI nicht selber an und Cast kann auch nicht genutzt werden....es funktioniert nur ALT & rechte Maustaste
in louyang are all entchantet soll on the mountain and ther is no way up there are much more as you see on the picture
That's not a bug. It's because my friend and I (and probably other people) were leveling on that map and the soils just respawned up there. there are two ways to get up the mountain but I let you figure it out yourself how that works #nospoilers
Du musst beim Luftschiff die Frau ansprechen wo normalerweise der Warp ist. Und auf dem Luftschiff dauert es bis der Warp erscheint