cp 99 lf chanter 98+ close to 99 preferably (if you think you are really active+good, then even 97+) (title outdated) enchanter has to be: - active (with active i mean active, not 3h a day, pm for more details) - understand english, speak however u want as long as we understand - has to have a brain - exp also without cp sometimes (we have full lvl99's; we are not rly up to lvl; you get exp in instances though like istina/octavis (mostly 1 party exp)) - stable connection (no "lag, cant move during siege, cant buff"; if your pc or internet cannot handle sieges (everyone lags a bit but pls be able to play ur class) then dont bother) - premium account prefered (-> if you are 98 its better you have) currently 3 herohs, if that makes u join <.< cp setup: bahhie 99 heal mak0 99 heal menace2society 99 tank kingsize 99 archer hell 99 mage obsess 99 summoner pm mak0 or kingsize or menace2society ingame for details.
sold few months ago when he took hero :d katja noob what u doing all this time. @topic: found for the first